


Member Since 12/27/2018
79 Recipes Created
26 Brew Sessions Created

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Date Added Name
1/3/2025 Lager Czech Lager Czech
1/1/2025 Quad Threat Quad Threat
11/21/2024 Surpassing Serial Signature Red Surpassing Serial Signature Red
11/5/2024 Kiwi APA Kiwi APA
9/14/2024 Golden Otter English Pale Ale Golden Otter English Pale Ale
7/11/2024 Red Stratosphere at Night Red Stratosphere at Night
7/2/2024 Chilly Baltic Chilly Baltic
4/9/2024 Return of the Macs Black Return of the Macs Black
4/7/2024 Goodnight Vienna Goodnight Vienna
3/10/2024 Strength Will Rise Strength Will Rise
8/6/2023 Blackberry Crumble Blackberry Crumble
7/15/2023 Deutsch SMaSH Deutsch SMaSH
6/19/2023 Imperial Slackbladder Stout Imperial Slackbladder Stout
6/9/2023 Edmund Blackadder Stout Edmund Blackadder Stout
4/22/2023 Double Trouble Double Trouble
3/15/2023 Five Points of Progress Five Points of Progress
1/24/2023 Brit Hop IPA Brit Hop IPA
1/24/2023 Kiwi-As Pils Brit hop remix Kiwi-As Pils Brit hop remix
1/23/2023 Teevo Pils Teevo Pils
1/17/2023 Curates Welcome Curates Welcome
11/19/2022 Simcoe Porter v3 Simcoe Porter v3
8/29/2022 Nelson Lakes IPA Nelson Lakes IPA
7/1/2022 UK Chinook IPA UK Chinook IPA
1/25/2022 Being Ernest Pale Ale Being Ernest Pale Ale
1/25/2022 Ruby Mild Ruby Mild
12/29/2021 NZ Saison NZ Saison
12/29/2021 Kiwi-As Pils v2 Kiwi-As Pils v2
9/27/2021 Bourbon Mocha Imperial Stout Bourbon Mocha Imperial Stout
9/16/2021 Peacesteiner Pils Peacesteiner Pils
4/10/2021 Tuatara APA 2010 clone Tuatara APA 2010 clone
4/8/2021 House Saison House Saison
2/23/2021 Nelson Gold Nelson Gold
1/19/2021 Haze for Daze Pale Ale Haze for Daze Pale Ale
1/4/2021 Fuggles Brown Fuggles Brown
12/29/2020 Munich Dunkel Munich Dunkel
12/17/2020 Mosaic Red v2 Mosaic Red v2
11/13/2020 Confession Session Porter Confession Session Porter
10/27/2020 Siren Liquid Mistress Clone Siren Liquid Mistress Clone
10/27/2020 Red October Rye IPA Red October Rye IPA
8/16/2020 Autumn Saison rebrew Autumn Saison rebrew
5/24/2020 Autumn Saison Autumn Saison
4/1/2020 Every hop NE PA Every hop NE PA
3/27/2020 Kiwi Saison Kiwi Saison
3/23/2020 Like It Like That DIPA Like It Like That DIPA
3/19/2020 Sour Pale Sour Pale
3/19/2020 Hornindal Wheat Hornindal Wheat
3/19/2020 Rice Lager Rice Lager
3/18/2020 Challenger Tank English Pale Ale Challenger Tank English Pale Ale
3/18/2020 St Paddy's Pride 19l St Paddy's Pride 19l
3/18/2020 Cherry Chocolate Imperial Stout Cherry Chocolate Imperial Stout
3/17/2020 Bourbon Breakfast Stout Bourbon Breakfast Stout
8/30/2019 Simply Saison Simply Saison
8/27/2019 Wheat NEIPA 12l batch Wheat NEIPA 12l batch
8/26/2019 Kiwi Wheat DDH Kiwi Wheat DDH
6/10/2019 Fuggled Mind Mild Fuggled Mind Mild
6/10/2019 First Gold ESB First Gold ESB
5/30/2019 Sunny D Hop Juice Sunny D Hop Juice
4/18/2019 Rusty Garden Gate Porter Rusty Garden Gate Porter
4/16/2019 Robe-ust Porter Robe-ust Porter
4/3/2019 English Stout English Stout
4/2/2019 Southgate Porter v2 Southgate Porter v2
3/26/2019 Hoppy Noel Dark Saison Hoppy Noel Dark Saison
3/18/2019 West Coast APA West Coast APA
3/9/2019 Hopwired recipe Hopwired recipe
3/9/2019 IPArmageddon IPArmageddon
3/9/2019 Archimedes IPA Archimedes IPA
3/8/2019 Cheaper hops DIPA Cheaper hops DIPA
3/8/2019 NZ Pils NZ Pils
3/7/2019 Kiwi-As Pils Kiwi-As Pils
3/7/2019 Heady Topper Clone half batch Heady Topper Clone half batch
3/5/2019 Tropical Juice IPA Tropical Juice IPA
2/27/2019 Simcoe Porter Simcoe Porter
2/27/2019 Red October IPA Red October IPA
2/27/2019 NEIPA Half batch v2 NEIPA Half batch v2
2/27/2019 Weizenbock Weizenbock
2/26/2019 West Coast IPA West Coast IPA
2/14/2019 Goldings Promise Goldings Promise
1/12/2019 Quixotic Quad Quixotic Quad
12/27/2018 A Bit of a User Upper A Bit of a User Upper
Date Added Name

Brew Session: Red Stratosphere at Night

joelw85 10/12/2024 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion

Went well, hit my numbers (maybe slightly short on volume), looks a good colour. Strata smells good from the bag, very sticky yellow pellets.

Brew Session: Strength Will Rise

joelw85 6/7/2024 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation

Brew went well, about expected on efficiency; slightly over on volume after using more grain. Great tasting wort and nice pale colour.

Brew Session: Goodnight Vienna

joelw85 4/10/2024 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation

Despite fairly good brew day (lost temp during mash then increased temp and added longer to mash once at correct temp to compensate) efficiency terrible once again... really don't know what I can do better with the kit I have. Will need to add some dextrose if I want to get the correct gravity, or it will be a session vienna (which isn't really a thing!). Will stir much more next time even though I thought I did that OK but maybe getting dough balls? Or just loads of channeling in the mash tun?

Brew Session: Kiwi-As Pils Brit hop remix

joelw85 7/15/2023 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion

Over-crushed grain from supplier so used mesh bag to line mash tun. No stuck sparge or excessive trub this time. Used pump this time, cut lines a little shorter.

Brew Session: Teevo Pils

joelw85 1/24/2023 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation

Got interrupted mid mash and ended up with at least a 2 hour mash, had to cold sparge which took ages but seemed to be OK gravity-wise (on par with my usual somewhat dodgy efficiency). Wort tastes good.

Brew Session: Nelson Lakes IPA

joelw85 10/18/2022 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation

My measurements were a bit sketchy for this but my better efficiency with a slower milling speed (grain was escaping uncrushed with my previous drill) means I'm a bit over gravity. Wort looked good and hops were lovely and fresh. Fermenting a a corny under pressure.

Brew Session: Ruby Mild

joelw85 9/24/2022 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion

Changed the hops slightly. The late boil addition was 5g pilgrim, 5g first gold, 20g EKG. Got a really slow sparge and slightly under volume. But I like the slower speed drill I got for the malt mill, getting a better crush so can increase the gap slightly.

Brew Session: Confession Session Porter

joelw85 4/23/2022 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil

First brew with my recirculation pump, it worked but I got low efficiency yet again, don't know whether it's my crush I'm getting or if I need to change sparge technique. Otherwise pretty decent, wort tasted like it should, maybe a touch light in colour might add some steeped carafa 3 just for visuals.

Brew Session: Sour Pale

joelw85 1/2/2022 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion

Second beer of a double brew day; reiterated mash from a pilsner with some extra base and wheat malt, then some of the boiled pilsner wort added back (overshot gravity on this which helped). Will taste once fermented and see if it needs anything like fruit or a dry hop. Didn't really take measurements for this so information is scarce below.

Brew Session: Kiwi-As Pils v2

joelw85 1/2/2022 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion

Massively overshot my mash temp with an error with my temperature probe. Brought it down as fast as I could but decided to chuck in more pilsner malt for the enzymes, hopefully it was enough to covert all the starches. Because of this I overshot my gravity and added back some water. Otherwise went OK, great tasting wort. Fermenting in a corny with 10psi pressure release valve fitted.

Brew Session: Weizenbock

joelw85 8/31/2021 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation
  • Conditioning
  • Tasting Notes

Accidentally left my burner on during mash! Hopefully converted enough sugars... My BIAB efficiency was horrid as ever. A touch lighter than planned but decent tasting wort.

Brew Session: Fuggled Mind Mild

joelw85 8/28/2021 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation
  • Tasting Notes

Was going great until I dropped something unsanitised into my chilled wort that I was using to weigh down my pot lid during the chill... so I heated it back up to pasteurisation temperatures (just under 80c) then rechilled. So it's probably more bitter than it says. But it's the right gravity after liquoring back and right colour and the wort tastes good, yeast started fast too.

Brew Session: Haze for Daze Pale Ale

joelw85 5/23/2021 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation

Horrible brew day, guessed water volumes wrong, mashed too thin, got awful efficiency. But the beer will probably be just fine. First pressure ferment and closed transfer, will use a keg as a dry hopping vessel the transfer back to the serving keg. The Nectaron is another example of the wonderfully fresh NZ hops you sometimes get, mmmmn! The Galaxy from crossmyloof though, it's verging on the cheesy side, like most of their hops grrr. Next year I'm only using malt miller and get'erbrewed as ...

Brew Session: Like It Like That DIPA

joelw85 4/8/2021 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation
  • Tasting Notes

Original conceived this to taste like Lilt, it's evolved a little but hoping for pineapple, citrus and tropical flavours. Brew day was OK, got about my usual BIAB efficiency. Just about hit my numbers.

Brew Session: Challenger Tank English Pale Ale

joelw85 2/20/2021 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation
  • Tasting Notes

Was going well until I forgot to heat my sparge water... Got 20l into the fermenterj

Brew Session: Rice Lager

joelw85 1/2/2021 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation
  • Tasting Notes

Brew-day went smoothly, sparged a bit extra as I realised my boil off was going to be high, worked out the right volume but way over gravity, gonna have to liqour back some, this is meant to be my hot weather beer for the summer, not a strong one! Wort in the fermenter looks a bit darker than I imagined, like I accidentally caramelised some of my wort. No scorching on the fermenter though. We'll see what it tastes like in a few months, fingers crossed!

Brew Session: English Stout

joelw85 11/14/2020 12:00:00 AM
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation

All went well until I couldn't find a connection for my chiller, eventually located, hopefully no damage done! As planned liquored back in the fermenter.

Brew Session: Autumn Saison

joelw85 8/3/2020 12:00:00 AM
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation

The low gravity of this is because it's purely a second runnings beer, a bonus from my Quad. No extra grains were added. The rosehip syrup should make it slightly sour and fruity. Boil was interrupted by a Zoom call, had to turn down heat and come back later, so bitterness may be increased a little. Otherwise went to plan.

Brew Session: Quixotic Quad

joelw85 8/2/2020 12:00:00 AM
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation
  • Tasting Notes

Double brew day with a table saison from the second runnings. Wort tasted fantastic! Gravity was close but not great efficiency as usual, slightly under volume. At least I'm consistent...

Brew Session: Every hop NE PA

joelw85 5/23/2020 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation

Under volume again but over on gravity, need to put a couple of extra litres into my sparge!

Brew Session: West Coast APA

joelw85 4/11/2020 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation

Brew day went pretty well, missed gravity by a couple of points (but maybe a bit over volume) but generally getting on top of my system now. Thought I was under gravity so pulled the bittering hop bag a little early, probably didn't need to in the end! Looking forward to drinking this, the Moutere looks superb quality, sometimes you get amazing quality from NZ hops.

Brew Session: Heady Topper Clone half batch

joelw85 3/22/2020 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation
  • Conditioning
  • Tasting Notes

Man I ended up really short on volume, that wheat must suck up wort... Obvs the mega hop stand soaks some up too. Got 9l just over OG (minus the sugar though), gonna add sugar in a bit of water to try and get 2 nearly full mini kegs out of it.

Brew Session: First Gold ESB

joelw85 3/6/2020 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation

Brew day was mercifully uneventful. Did a quick sparge and no recirculation this time. Still getting poor efficiency, might tweak my mill again and pay more attention to sparge next time.

Brew Session: Kiwi-As Pils

joelw85 1/3/2020 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation
  • Tasting Notes

Ok, so I screwed my efficiency again, ended up with OG of about 1.044, will add a touch of sugar to bump it up. Wort smells and tastes great though.

Brew Session: Simcoe Porter

joelw85 11/30/2019 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation
  • Tasting Notes

First brew with the grain tube etc of my grainfather clone. Next stage will be to get a pump. Not sure of what efficiency to expect.

Brew Session: Tropical Juice IPA

joelw85 4/6/2019 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation

Nearly hit my numbers. My boiler has a big boil off rate!

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