

Member Since 6/22/2015
198 Recipes Created
17 Brew Sessions Created

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Date Added Name
9/3/2024 Angria Angria
5/7/2024 Smoked Rye Export Porter Smoked Rye Export Porter
2/16/2024 Kashmiri Kashmiri
2/10/2024 Tmave Tmave
1/17/2024 Rinkie Dinkie Rinkie Dinkie
1/16/2024 StickleLorum Ipsum StickleLorum Ipsum
1/9/2024 Smoke in the water - Fumar BMAR Smoke in the water - Fumar BMAR
10/22/2023 Zurkeltrut Zurkeltrut
9/17/2023 Peachy White Peachy White
9/3/2023 Dua Lipa Dua Lipa
7/18/2023 Ich bin ein berliner Ich bin ein berliner
4/25/2023 Rossi Rood Rossi Rood
2/11/2023 New Pils New Pils
2/9/2023 Pentagram Pentagram
2/7/2023 Baltic Sea Baltic Sea
2/3/2023 Liquor Ice Liquor Ice
2/2/2023 La Divha La Divha
2/1/2023 Cu2 Cu2
1/28/2023 Wiete Gait Wiete Gait
1/18/2023 Accept Cookies Accept Cookies
1/11/2023 Luddevudde Luddevudde
12/4/2022 Speculatie Speculatie
11/22/2022 Mac IPA Mac IPA
9/4/2022 Hopyard Hustler Hopyard Hustler
7/11/2022 Cacao Ceremony Cacao Ceremony
7/9/2022 Sytze Sytze
7/2/2022 Sirius II Sirius II
6/26/2022 Clone Of Maneschijn 740 Clone Of Maneschijn 740
5/15/2022 White Labs Flame White Labs Flame
5/13/2022 Classic NEIPA Classic NEIPA
4/18/2022 Kesar Kesar
2/9/2022 Clone Of Houston 3.0 Clone Of Houston 3.0
2/1/2022 Clone Of Classic Hefe Clone Of Classic Hefe
1/24/2022 Maneschijn 740 Maneschijn 740
1/16/2022 Twinator Twinator
1/7/2022 Houston 3.0 Chateau Houston 3.0 Chateau
12/28/2021 1000 Sterrenlicht 1000 Sterrenlicht
12/28/2021 Sterrenlicht Sterrenlicht
12/23/2021 Houston 3.0 Houston 3.0
12/14/2021 Melkweg Melkweg
12/10/2021 Cashmere Blonde Cashmere Blonde
12/4/2021 Houston v2.0 Houston v2.0
11/26/2021 Sirius Sirius
11/26/2021 MJ BA Blonde MJ BA Blonde
11/6/2021 Pacific Blonde Pacific Blonde
11/2/2021 Port Quadrupel v2 Port Quadrupel v2
10/22/2021 Peche Melba Peche Melba
10/11/2021 NZ Blonde NZ Blonde
9/28/2021 Port Quadrupel Port Quadrupel
9/23/2021 Ipa 2.0 Ipa 2.0
9/23/2021 De Rauwe Wildernis De Rauwe Wildernis
9/19/2021 HB Coffee Porter HB Coffee Porter
9/1/2021 Coffee 500 test Coffee 500 test
8/29/2021 73 Degrees South 500 73 Degrees South 500
8/28/2021 73 Degrees South 73 Degrees South
8/18/2021 Session Oatmeal Porter SOP Session Oatmeal Porter SOP
8/14/2021 True Red True Red
7/24/2021 Lekker Vroeg  La Cafe Lekker Vroeg La Cafe
7/9/2021 Porter No 3 Porter No 3
7/7/2021 Cherry Red Cherry Red
6/25/2021 Horipa Horipa
5/9/2021 Clone Of Turnbok Clone Of Turnbok
4/17/2021 TUM Hefe TUM Hefe
4/10/2021 Porter No 2 Porter No 2
3/31/2021 Hipster Hop Hipster Hop
3/21/2021 Turnbok Turnbok
3/15/2021 Piratenbloed Piratenbloed
2/21/2021 Coconut RIS II Coconut RIS II
12/20/2020 ATEX 114 ATEX 114
12/13/2020 Antonies Coffee Toffee Antonies Coffee Toffee
11/17/2020 Data Science NEIPA Data Science NEIPA
10/9/2020 Coconut RIS Coconut RIS
9/9/2020 Curry Lime Tripel Curry Lime Tripel
9/4/2020 Terminator II Terminator II
8/26/2020 Coffee Toffee Coffee Toffee
8/20/2020 Strawberry Carol Strawberry Carol
8/13/2020 Veel rook in het water Veel rook in het water
8/13/2020 Rook in het water Rook in het water
7/12/2020 Yellow Lagoon II Yellow Lagoon II
7/1/2020 New Stout New Stout
5/1/2020 Smash Cashmere Otter Smash Cashmere Otter
4/24/2020 Smoked Hop Drop Smoked Hop Drop
3/20/2020 Ai Corona Ai Corona
2/23/2020 Oscar Wilde II Oscar Wilde II
2/16/2020 Terminator 1 Terminator 1
2/3/2020 Smoked Porter Smoked Porter
1/9/2020 New Age Hefe New Age Hefe
1/9/2020 Dageraad Hefe Dageraad Hefe
12/29/2019 Hesdy Hesdy
12/19/2019 Fennel Fury Fennel Fury
12/16/2019 Fabulous Fennel Fabulous Fennel
12/9/2019 Fort Minor II Fort Minor II
12/8/2019 Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde
12/3/2019 Classic Hefe Classic Hefe
11/22/2019 Johannes II Johannes II
10/25/2019 Wolluks Wit Wolluks Wit
10/14/2019 Golden Rickshaw Golden Rickshaw
10/12/2019 IPA IPA
9/30/2019 Dubbele Tong Dubbele Tong
9/30/2019 Clone Of Johannes Clone Of Johannes
9/28/2019 Olle Dark IPL Olle Dark IPL
9/9/2019 Lemondrop Tripel Lemondrop Tripel
8/23/2019 MAC MAC
8/19/2019 Fort Minor Fort Minor
4/14/2019 Freeks and Demons Freeks and Demons
3/7/2019 Beter laat dan nooit Beter laat dan nooit
2/24/2019 Johannes Johannes
1/21/2019 Kerbal Herbal Kerbal Herbal
11/12/2018 Blackie Blackie
9/26/2018 Desperado Mojito Desperado Mojito
9/17/2018 Pols Porter II Pols Porter II
9/15/2018 Yuzu Wit Yuzu Wit
8/25/2018 Shiva Diva Shiva Diva
8/22/2018 100 Wheat 100 Wheat
8/22/2018 Yellow Lagoon Mango Yellow Lagoon Mango
8/21/2018 Doppelbock CC Doppelbock CC
8/12/2018 Clone Of Hop it and Drop it V2 Clone Of Hop it and Drop it V2
8/1/2018 Port Subite Port Subite
7/15/2018 Hefeweizen IX Hefeweizen IX
1/17/2018 Monin Witbier Monin Witbier
11/17/2017 Hop it and Drop it V2 Hop it and Drop it V2
9/3/2017 John McAdam John McAdam
8/28/2017 Clone Of Pomegranate Quad Clone Of Pomegranate Quad
8/6/2017 Yellow Lagoon Yellow Lagoon
7/20/2017 Shadow Shadow
6/4/2017 RIS III RIS III
4/27/2017 Bastogne Porter IV Bastogne Porter IV
4/14/2017 Castle Black Castle Black
4/1/2017 Hefeweizen VIII Hefeweizen VIII
3/3/2017 IPL IPL
2/13/2017 Roquefort Roquefort
1/23/2017 Ugh Ugh
1/9/2017 La Cikanera La Cikanera
12/27/2016 Mini kiki Mini kiki
12/13/2016 Sipper Sipper
12/11/2016 RIS RIS
12/9/2016 Intergalactic Intergalactic
12/2/2016 Hefeweizen Hefeweizen
11/5/2016 Barleywine Barleywine
10/22/2016 Belgian Pale Ale Belgian Pale Ale
10/16/2016 Schwarzwalder Schwarzwalder
10/14/2016 Christmas Quad Christmas Quad
10/4/2016 Royal Stout V Royal Stout V
9/18/2016 Bastogne Porter III Bastogne Porter III
9/7/2016 Zuurzak Zuurzak
8/20/2016 Royal Stout III Royal Stout III
8/10/2016 Doppelbock Easy Doppelbock Easy
8/10/2016 Marek Pilsner Marek Pilsner
8/4/2016 Oasis Quad II Oasis Quad II
8/2/2016 Oasis Quad Oasis Quad
7/9/2016 Mondriaan IPL Mondriaan IPL
6/26/2016 Royal Stout II Royal Stout II
6/21/2016 Weizen Bier Weizen Bier
6/15/2016 The bomb The bomb
6/9/2016 Pols Porter Pols Porter
5/30/2016 Whisky barrel licorice imperial stout Whisky barrel licorice imperial stout
5/29/2016 Oktoberfest Oktoberfest
5/19/2016 Pauls Porter Pauls Porter
5/4/2016 Braun Ale Braun Ale
4/17/2016 Clone Of Clone Of Stejskal Wheat Clone Of Clone Of Stejskal Wheat
4/17/2016 Berry Bier Berry Bier
3/11/2016 Base Porter Base Porter
2/10/2016 Royal Stout Royal Stout
2/9/2016 Stejskal Wheat Stejskal Wheat
2/4/2016 Porter C Porter C
1/17/2016 Mondriaan DIPA Mondriaan DIPA
1/6/2016 Eriks Weizen Eriks Weizen
1/4/2016 Porter B Porter B
12/22/2015 Porter A Porter A
12/21/2015 Doppelbock v3 Doppelbock v3
12/17/2015 Little Rosie Little Rosie
12/17/2015 Whole lotta rosie Whole lotta rosie
12/17/2015 Doppelbock v2 Doppelbock v2
12/15/2015 Weizenbock Weizenbock
12/11/2015 Caramarillo Caramarillo
12/6/2015 Clone Of Baltic Bastogne Porter Clone Of Baltic Bastogne Porter
11/4/2015 Forest Fire - Smoked Stout Forest Fire - Smoked Stout
10/22/2015 MOPJE - Maris Otter Pacific Jade English IPA MOPJE - Maris Otter Pacific Jade English IPA
10/9/2015 Afdal Albira Afdal Albira
9/16/2015 Blueberry Chocolate Stout Blueberry Chocolate Stout
9/5/2015 Waka 2 Waka 2
9/2/2015 Willy de Witte IV Willy de Witte IV
8/27/2015 Zheleznogorsk II Zheleznogorsk II
8/22/2015 Wouter Wijnbier Wouter Wijnbier
8/22/2015 Easy Lucky Luc Easy Lucky Luc
8/22/2015 Lucky Luc Lucky Luc
8/19/2015 Willy de Witte III Willy de Witte III
8/18/2015 Zheleznogorsk I Zheleznogorsk I
8/16/2015 Doppelbock Doppelbock
8/15/2015 Lekker Blont Lekker Blont
8/9/2015 Willy de Witte II Willy de Witte II
7/31/2015 Mellow Mango Mellow Mango
7/22/2015 Baltic Bastogne Porter Baltic Bastogne Porter
7/5/2015 Wheatus Wheatus
6/27/2015 Hop it and drop it Hop it and drop it
6/26/2015 Willy de Witte I Willy de Witte I
6/22/2015 Dronken Tor Dronken Tor
Date Added Name

Brew Session: Royal Stout

Gait 2/29/2016 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil

29-02-2016: Started brew at 8:30. Malt pipe was as full as possible.Sparged till I hit the dent of the pipe. That turns out to be 11 liter. Topped it up during heat to boil to 12 L. Finished nicely at 10. 2L of sparging might have made for a 90% efficiency again.

Brew Session: Stejskal Wheat

Gait 2/14/2016 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation

14-02-2016: Brewed together with Marek, we had no problems this brewday.18-02-2016: The bulk of primary fermentation is completed. Transfer on 21-02-2016?20-20-2016: Hardly any activity, yet still at 1.020. Placed on heating pad.

Brew Session: Porter C

Gait 2/8/2016 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation

08-02-2016: Added hops right into the kettle, forgot the ultramoss. Will have to clear with gelatin. Secondary fermentation in keg? I can add a full litre when using the gelatin, and still be within boundaries.21-02-2016: Racked to keg as secondary. Fermentation is at 1.024, so I hope it'll continue. I should check clarity before i decide to use gelatin, otherwise i can use a proper amount of sugar mixed into water to bottle.Taste was awesome, much more coffee now and correct bitterness. Made 2 ...

Brew Session: Doppelbock v2

Gait 12/20/2015 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation

21-12-2015: Hit the targets on the head. Wort was very clear using cheesecloth for both hop pellets and filling the primary. Fermenting at 12C.17-1-2016: Fermentation complete. Wort is clear as f*ck. Diacetyl rest at room temperature started.

Brew Session: Wouter Wijnbier

Gait 11/1/2015 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation

Brewed this at the start of oktober. First attempt failed, grapejuice prevented starch conversion. In a second attempt, I added the juice during boil, boiling from 15 to 10. This worked. Fermentation stopped at 1.030.I decided to add a belgian ale yeast starter at the beginning of november. After this was done, I discovered gravity had already come down to 1.020. So now i have two potent yeast strains in there to build up CO2 at bottling :-).

Brew Session: Afdal Albira

Gait 10/9/2015 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation

Hops where boiled 20 mins longer then originally intended, and more oats were originally planned. Efficiency was quite low, probably due to minor accidents, which where fixed by topping up with water.Fermentation went all the way down to 1.002. No further signs of infection, so i'm assuming it's just a very strong batch of yeast.

Brew Session: Blueberry Chocolate Stout

Gait 9/19/2015 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation

Not much cholocate yet. Maybe another addition in secondary. Otherwise, this is the smoothest stout yet.26-8-2015: added blueberries and extra cacao nibs. Total 25g now.25-10-2015: racked to secondary, berry mush is making this very difficult. Some air got in there, so I decided to add some sugar, in order to coach the yeast into using the 02 for multiplication. Taste is well balanced, reminiscient of 'Mind your step'. Will add brown candy sugar and whisky barrel chunks later.

Brew Session: Waka 2

Gait 9/9/2015 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation

9:40 started. Used 12L, small sparge. Full conversion after 15 min of second step.This was a disaster. Hop egg opened during boil, hose fell off during transfer, tap got clogged. Lost 2 Liters.But had an insane efficiency with that 12L from the start. Will try again!16-9-2015 moved to secondary, lost 1 l again due to open tap.

Brew Session: Willy de Witte III

Gait 9/2/2015 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation
  • Conditioning
  • Tasting Notes

Started at 9:00. Could have added extra malts, easily 200 gram. Full conversion occured 35 minutes into alpha, at 80 minutes of mashing. Left it to go the full 75 to see if that helps with foam. 30 beta / 60 alpha next time. Filter got clogged, either because i didnt use Ultramoss, had stuff in there from the marmelade, or both.Wort is tasty and smells of honey.Beer tastes likes banana foam candy in weizen at start of bottling, and not in a bad way :-).

Brew Session: Zheleznogorsk I

Gait 8/19/2015 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation

Good brewday. Sparged a little to much but adjusted the cooking time on the fly, before inserting hops. (90->105). Boiled of too little wort and had less efficiency then expected. OG about 1080. Will throw in 350 g white sugar in secondary.23-8-2015 added sugar (350 gr white) in primary. This will bring ABV up to 8.2%.13-9-2015 moved to secondary, added 6 small smokewood pieces. Tasterwas nice, maybe a bit on the yeasty side.

Brew Session: Hop it and drop it

Gait 8/16/2015 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation
  • Conditioning
  • Tasting Notes

Brew Started 10:00Went flawless.27-8-2015: Moved to secondary. Taste is great! And viscosity has gone up :-) And sweetness is spot on!

Brew Session: Lekker Blont

Gait 8/16/2015 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation

Brewday went pretty much flawless. 23-8-2015 added sugar (350 gr white) in primary. 27-8-2015: Moved to secondary.

Brew Session: Willy de Witte II

Gait 8/9/2015 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation
  • Conditioning
  • Tasting Notes

Used boiled and then cooled water. Constructed the following water characteristics with brewersfriend water chemistry tool:Sulphate : Chloride ratio -> malty.Alkalinity and SRM -> good for amber beer (50-150 ppm Alkalinity).Forgot to place small sieve at spigot. Lost about a pint of wort which contained to much proteine. Otherwise a flawless brewday of 6,5 hours.16-8-2015 Moved to secondary. Didn't do a taster, smell is great and beer is pretty clean.

Brew Session: Mellow Mango

Gait 8/1/2015 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation
  • Conditioning
  • Tasting Notes

Started 11:20Started Mash at 11:40Finished pre clean at 18:10Not much mango taste in the wort.10-8-2015: Moved to secondary. Mango particles settled nicely. Added 500 ml tea from 10g Lemon, a single jalapeno, a thumb of ginger and a lemongrass stalk. Next time, use only fresh lemongrass and ginger during the boil. Fill one egg with a 50/50 mix and boil along 20 min. Mango smell is coming through!16-8: Taster has a lot of thea and lemongrass coming throug, pepper and mango as well. Complex. ...

Brew Session: Baltic Bastogne Porter

Gait 7/25/2015 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation
  • Conditioning
  • Tasting Notes

Started mash @ 13:00 Clean Up finish at 21:00Added pH stabilizer during warm up.Initial short mash of 1.6 kg of the grains:20 min protein @50C30 min beta @60C.Sparged 2 L cold tap water.Temp went to 55C. Ran the pump with the grains in and it went to 50.Second sparge with 3L.Yeast activator package started leaking during activation. Hope it's still usefull and not infected.Started Fermenting @ 21C29-07-2015:Fermentation fluctuated between 19 and 23 C.Gravity of 1022 was reached in 4 full ...

Brew Session: Wheatus

Gait 7/12/2015 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation
  • Conditioning
  • Tasting Notes

There is still room for more grain. Maybe switch 250 g sugar to grain next time.60 minutes alpha extended to 90, full conversion occured at 75.Did a 3.5 L sparge. Top-up with 2L to 12.Pre-boil gravity at about 1.064. Post boil should be 1.068 since sugars are added during primary fermentation. Was 1.064.Cooling first approach removes a lot of cold break :-)Fast ferment went to 1.024 without sugar. 63% attenuation. Keeping inline, main should finish at 1.29 or below.Main fermentation tank wasn't ...

Brew Session: Willy de Witte I

Gait 7/5/2015 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation
  • Conditioning
  • Tasting Notes

05-07-2015: Added 5.2 stabilizer a bit late (start of saccharification rest), by accident. Protein rest was 30 minutes, thinking this is too short with both wheat and carapils. Adjusted mash steps in the recipe for future sessions. Iodine tests where rather unclear until the saccharification rest was well past 2 hours. Adjusted mash steps during the brew and in the recipe. Using the select button allows you to extend a step.Sparging can be done untill you submerge the rubber at the bottom of ...

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