Date Added | Name | Style | ABV | Amount | |
12/9/2021 | ![]() |
American IPA | 6.7 % | 8 Gallon(s) | |
10/29/2021 | ![]() |
American IPA | 6.7 % | 8 Gallon(s) | |
7/13/2021 | ![]() |
American IPA | 6.7 % | 8 Gallon(s) | |
5/7/2021 | ![]() |
American IPA | 7.2 % | 8 Gallon(s) | |
4/7/2021 | ![]() |
American IPA | 6.8 % | 6 Gallon(s) | |
3/1/2021 | ![]() |
American IPA | 7.2 % | 6 Gallon(s) | |
1/14/2021 | ![]() |
American IPA | 6.8 % | 6 Gallon(s) | |
12/15/2020 | ![]() |
American IPA | 6.5 % | 6 Gallon(s) | |
10/29/2020 | ![]() |
American Pale Ale | 5.4 % | 6.6 Gallon(s) | |
10/22/2020 | ![]() |
American IPA | 6.5 % | 6 Gallon(s) | |
Date Added | Name | Style | ABV | Amount |
7G Overnight Mash. 6G Sparge. Yield about 9G. 60 M boil and 20M Whirlpool at 160F. Resulted in about 8G at 17 Brix. Added about 1G of sanitized water to dilute down shooting for around 6.5 ABV. Pitched at 84 Next day, Sunday afternoon. It may have been colder, infrared thermometer is not accurate on reflective material.
Spilled some wort. 8.25G at 14 brix. Boil for 65 Min.
8G Calcium Chloride2g Sea Salt2g Gypsum8g Lactic Acid3 PH strike
5G Strike .5G @15MSparge 5G
5.1 G strike. Added 5g lactic acid to strike
10G water. 5G Strike at 165. Added 8G lactic acid to Strike..3 Oz Centennial FWH (60M) .3 10M
5G Stike about .1 more. Sparged 5G resulting iin about 7.75G. Boiled for ~60 min. Resulting in ~15 Brix over 6G into fermenter. Chilled to 90 and put into fridge. cooled to 80F (pitched) chilled to ~67F overnight. Airlock activity seen by next afternoon. By Sunday vigorous activity and thick krausen forming.. Monday dry hopped. Racked at 9 brix (adjusted). With 2oz Galaxy. Keg conditioned at 70F for 2 days.
Strike water at a 165? 5 gallons. Sparged with another 5 gallons. Yielding 7.75 gallons at 15 brix. Boiled for 60 min. Resulting in 17 brix 1.07 SG. Cooled to 180 whirlpooled for 20 minutes. Chilled to about 90 and then put into fermenter. Chilled to about 80 and pitched. Over Chilled to about 65. (After problems with thermostat I had to relocate probe closer to door) Airlock activity showed overnight. Brought up to about 75 and down to 68. Added hops on Tuesday. Too much krausen as hops did ...
Heated 5G strike to 180 and let cool for a few min. Started mash for 60 min at ~160F. Cooled and pitched at 77F. Cooled to 62F overnight with no airlock activity. Day 2: Raised thermometer to 64F. Limited airlock activity, no visible krausen, wort read at 58F in the morning. Day 3: Raised thermometer 74F to get the wort into the mid sixties (I cooled too much as Juice yeast needs 64-74F).
4.75 strike to account for kettle loss. Added 2.5 ml CaCl and 2ml Gypsum to strike and sparge. 4.5G sparge. Added 1st dry hop additions on 1/15.
Dryhopped on Day 2 (Sunday) for 7 Days. Removed original and added second dryhops on Sun 11/18
5.5G Strike water.
5.5G Strike @172F Mash @ 158. 5G Sparge. Resulted in 8G at 13.5 brix or 1.0547 SG. Set fermenter to 58F for 24H. 9/16 62F for 24H (signs of airlock activity). 9/17 Raised therm to 64F (wort measured 66). 9/18 Added 3OZ Dry Hops (Amarillo,Simcoe,Mosaic) Removed 9/23. 9/25 Added 2OZ Dry Hops (Amarillo,Mosaic) and took gravity reading 1.14.
5G Strike Water. 5G Sparge. Resulted in 7.7G. @ 13 brix. boiled to about 7G. Fermented @66F. Added first dry hops on 7/30 (1Oz Citra 1 Oz Mosaic).
4.75G Strike Water at 172F. Sparged 4.5 at 195F. Yielded 8G at 11 Brix. Boiled for 60M resulting in 7G at 12.5 Brix (1.0505) and 6.5G to Fermenter. Pitched at 68F with thermometer set to 55F. Started seeing airlock activity by the next day. After 36H (6/11) raised thermometer to 56F.
USED 10.25G Resulted in 7.75G. Boiled down too much to 5.5G. I believe I added 3OZ Mosaic instead of MB. I will dry hop w/ 2oz of MB. Added .5G to fermenter so I can have a full 5G to the keg. Next time use 9.5 instead of 10.25G.
4.75G Strike Water at 172F. Sparged at 195F. Final SG: 13 Brix or 1.0526 SG. Yielded 6.75G I added .25G water in boil to bring up to 7G to result in 6G final and 5.5G to Fermenter.
Started with 5.5G Sparged with 4G. Yield 7G @16 Brix.
Mashed 5G at 152F fo 60M. Sparged 4G for a total of 9G Water produced 7.25G. Chilled to 70. Fermented at 60F for 4 days. 65F for 2 days. 70F 3 days. Cold crashed for 2 Days. Racked at 1.011 SG. Should be about 5.9%.
Used 9G yield 6.75G Wort. efficiency was very high 18brix. I added .25G of water to yield 7G wort. Next time use 1lb less grain.
8/10 Created Pint yeast starter of Barbarian from last batch.5.5g Strike 4G sparge. Yield 7G Wort at 15 Brix. Added hops at 155F for about 20M. Cooled to 77F and pitched yeast. Dry hopped on 8/21PM. Cold crashed 8/25 to 40F.
Used 10.5G (1G too much). 5.5 Strike water. 5G Sparge. I raised tempature to 175. Produced 8G at 16 Brix Boiled to 6G at 18 Brix.
Collected 9 gallons water. 5G Strike water 4G Mash. I believe I sparged too fast. Next time use 10G and sparge slower - should take about 1 hour to sparge.Fermenter broke and by Monday 4/1 temp rose to 77F. I transfered to kegerator and dropped temp to 67F. 4/6 Increased temp to 69 and added dry hops.5/11 PM cold crashed.
9.5 water. 5.5 strike water. sparged with 4G. Added calcium and gypsum to wort instead if strike. Resulted in 7.5G wort @12 brix. Low efficiency. Next time use 1 extra lb of 2 row and mash longer.
Too much water. 11G. Boiled extra hour to get final gravity up to 14 Brix SG 1.0568. Resulted in a lot of extra hot and cold break material in the wort. I lost about an extra .5G to junk in the wort.Dry hopped for 3.5 days (forgot to weigh down so lost some hop utilization) during which 2.5 days were cold crashing. Next time cold crash for 1 week and dry hop for the last 5 days.10/30 Kegged.
5.5G strike water @ 170F. Mashed at 150 for 1Hr.
Started 800ml (~2 pints) yeast starter night before pint wort plus pint slurry5 G strike water 4 G sparge (Next time 5G 5G)strike at ~170F Mash at ~150 for 60MinResulted in 6.5G wort @ 14 BrixBoiled to 6G @ 15 BrixResulted in 5G usable. Next time use additional G. Maybe set second hop additions at 10M (from 5)Set thermostat to 62. Pitched several hours later at 85F. (too hot, need better chilling techniques)9/4 Cooled down to 74 overnight with some minor signs of activity.9/5 Cooled down to ...