Brew No.25 Do again? I wasn't keen, but yeah, cool for xmas pudding meal. But only that. MM Kit Attenuation - 78% 5/10 - 7% Recipe OG: 1069 FG: 1012 ABV: 7.5% Carafa Special type 2, described in fermentables as Carifa 11. Recipe says 250g Currants and 250g Raisins. I went mix of Cranberries and raisins. The 200g of fruit soaked in brandy. Poured most of brandy off before adding to fermenter. Btw, drank soaked brandy. Not good. Raisins clogged fermenter racking arm on bottling. OG: ...
Spring German Doppelbock
Adapted from Chop and Brew podcast website