50% RO, 50% A2 H2O Strike with 3.45 gal (141F) to hit a 133F protein rest, add 2g CaSO4 Hold for 15 minutes. Add 1.1 gal boiling water to hit 150F sacch rest. Hold for 30 minutes. Remove 1/3 thin mash, and boil for 10 minutes. Return to boiled portion to main mash. Vorlauf and lauter. Copper up to 7 gal, add 1g CaSO4 to BK. Boil 90 minutes. KO as cold as possible, oxygenate wort, pitch yeast@50F. Ferment at 50-52F.
A stab at an Oktoberfest-ish pseudo lager.
#-Town Festbier recipe
Adapted from: https://www.homebrewtalk.com/threads/oztoberfest-1st-place-with-score-of-43.279201/