MT: 3.4gal@152, 4g ea CaSO4, 2g NaCl, 3g CaCl HLT: [email protected] BK: 7gal CU, 3g CaSO4, 3g NaCl, 60' B, 15' WP KO: 68F, 1.5X O2, Pitch Omega BritV
*50/50 RO/A2 H2O Strike w/3.1 gal, target 152F, (5.53pH calc'd) sparge=5 gal, 5.20pH CU 6.5 gal BK 6g CaSO4, 1g NaCl, 1g, CaCl 60' WY1318
Complex brown ale/porter with a mix of roasty malts and Fuggle hop additions for deep color, malt flavor and aromatics. #1 of 4 in my Funeralopolis dark beer series. Brewed 09/14/2021 Produced 6.0 gallons @ 1.041. Final (corrected refractometer) gravity: 1.0115 (~3.9% abv). Bottled 09/30/2021 with 125 g sucrose.