Malt and hops are in perfect harmony in this incredibly balanced beer. Biscuity, bitter and packing a surprisingly hoppy punch, this beer ultimately morphed into 5AM Saint.
Variation on Hop Back Summer Lightning recipe from the CAMRA's Brew Your Own British Ale book. Equipment used - Grainfather Connect, Fast Ferment Conical Fermenter, Plastic Barrel fitted with s30 CO2 injector. Main variation is in hops - adding Mandarina Bavaria as aroma hop and EKG for flame out rather than Golding. Also adding extra Mandarina Bavaria with Challenger as bittering hop.
I made this up a year ago, had molasses in the recipe,and I'm blaming it on leaving a metallic after flavor, it was loved by many especially my wife and she requested it again. The kit says 620 IBU's, but the calculator does not take into account.