Based on Denny Conn's Bourbon Vanilla Imperial Porter recipe.
American Porter, kitchen sink using up dark malt and DME.
Adjusted recipe from beer brewed 12/29/22
15ish psi free running temp starting at 70F
My efficiency is low - 70% should be achievable. To get a better FG (Mine stopped at 1022) I'd up the Pilsner and reduce the Mash Temp to 65C from 67. I put Pilsner down to 10lb just to only buy one bag. But the enzymes were probably too low. I ended up adding dried Nottingham yeast when the Wyeast hadn't started for 48 hours. Just as I added it, fermentation had started like 2 hours before so I have no idea which of the yeast was dominant.
General recipe idea from northern brewer kit recipe. Named for the valet to King Arthur in Holy Grail.