American Porter, kitchen sink using up dark malt and DME.
Adjusted recipe from beer brewed 12/29/22
15ish psi free running temp starting at 70F
My efficiency is low - 70% should be achievable. To get a better FG (Mine stopped at 1022) I'd up the Pilsner and reduce the Mash Temp to 65C from 67. I put Pilsner down to 10lb just to only buy one bag. But the enzymes were probably too low. I ended up adding dried Nottingham yeast when the Wyeast hadn't started for 48 hours. Just as I added it, fermentation had started like 2 hours before so I have no idea which of the yeast was dominant.
General recipe idea from northern brewer kit recipe. Named for the valet to King Arthur in Holy Grail.
changing the chocolate malt to 8oz and adding 4oz of carapils in the 12/23 batch