first beer made with the hops I harvested last year. My best guess is that it is Centenial, It could be Columbus or one of the other 'C's. SMaSH with Maris Otter as the grain and S-05 yeast.
Maris O and Honey Malt I think. Sabro Hops, some citra.
Palmer, scale to 6g, total points 366 for 1.061 OG, 330p base 9lb base, .7 aroma, .32 victory. add 5-20% wheat, head retention Hop stand/steep/whirlpool. Add the hops when you kill the heat and are about to cool the wort. Usually a 15 min hop stand. For flavor and aroma. Good for pale ales and ipas. Great technique. dry hop 3-5 days @50-70deg, at end of primary after diacetyl rest, before secondary, drop to 50 deg. The optimal temperature range for LalBrew Windsor™ yeast when producing ...
All Grain
#120 American Extra Strong Bitter brewed with Boxelder home grown hop blend.