AltBev does not carry UK C50... consider order online or replace with US C60 or Belgian CaraMunich which barely alter the original numbers. Would prefer to use the UK C50 (decisions, decisions). Kept grain bill SUPER SIMPLE to showcase the flavors of the Maris Otter
From’s-the-pride-of-london Mash water: 21l Sparge water: 15l Water adjustments Mash: 4g CaSO4, 4g CaCL2, 2g CaCO3 Sparge: 3g CaSO4, 3g CaCL2
Lindas PIAF
Similar to Magic Hat #9 Subbed the 1oz of Apollo for Summit and Magnum that I had on hand. Subbed 1056 for the 1272 that I had on hand.