General note on AA: 2.5 Czech saaz, 5 willamete, 9 amarillo, 13 simcoe Filter 8 gls water night before, takes about 40 mins to process 5 gl. Added about 1 tbs calcium chloride. Bring 3.5 gals of water up to 160F. Add grain. Heat stable at 150-160F. Lid on, rest for 45mn before checking. Stove heat on low. Sparge with room temp water. collect about 4 gl in brew pot, preboil gravity 1.048. 20 minute boil. Add Irish moss at end of boil (15mins). 2 oz saaz at 20 mins. Add to fermenter when wort ...
Balanced Salts.
First attempt at a Beerlao style SE Asain beer used Hersbrucker instead of Hallertau