British Strong Ale Recipes

British Strong Ale Recipes - Displaying 1 to 10 of 123

The Bullroarer

CharlieMopps 10/30/2022 7:34:19 PM
  • {Math.Round(srm)}° L
  • All Grain
  • 5 Gallon(s)
  • British Strong Ale
  • 43 IBU
  • 6.8 % ABV

Irrelevant Answer

Brewer 106347 2/28/2024 2:30:19 PM
  • {Math.Round(srm)}° L
  • All Grain
  • 26 Liter(s)
  • British Strong Ale
  • 34 IBU
  • 6.0 % ABV

Harvest British Strong Ale

Brewer 138453 4/8/2024 7:32:36 PM
  • {Math.Round(srm)}° L
  • All Grain + Extract
  • 5 Gallon(s)
  • British Strong Ale
  • 64 IBU
  • 7.2 % ABV

Sundon Wry Smile

Sundon 3/17/2024 2:03:11 PM
  • {Math.Round(srm)}° L
  • All Grain
  • 14 Liter(s)
  • British Strong Ale
  • 35 IBU
  • 5.6 % ABV

Victory Ale

MattWildUK 12/31/2023 8:24:03 AM
  • {Math.Round(srm)}° L
  • All Grain
  • 18 Liter(s)
  • British Strong Ale
  • 31 IBU
  • 6.3 % ABV

Old Crafty Bobs Hobbit

BobtheBrewer 5/23/2021 12:56:07 AM
  • {Math.Round(srm)}° L
  • All Grain
  • 21 Liter(s)
  • British Strong Ale
  • 40 IBU
  • 6.2 % ABV

Well worth trying. Bottled with 1/2 teaspoon of table sugar or in a Korny Keg. Really good mouthfeel smooth and malty, I drink this at room temperature.

Frosted Maple Slippers English Strong

Fieldstock 2/25/2024 6:54:12 PM
  • {Math.Round(srm)}° L
  • Extract
  • 12.25 Gallon(s)
  • British Strong Ale
  • 31 IBU
  • 7.6 % ABV

Derived from Snow Slippers ESB

Winter warmer style

Tedd 1/21/2024 9:18:26 AM
  • {Math.Round(srm)}° L
  • All Grain + Extract
  • 5 Gallon(s)
  • British Strong Ale
  • 37 IBU
  • 6.8 % ABV

King Goblin

Bombyx 4/25/2023 2:18:38 PM
  • {Math.Round(srm)}° L
  • All Grain
  • 20.5 Liter(s)
  • British Strong Ale
  • 40 IBU
  • 6.6 % ABV

Crystal 45 is actually F&J Light Crystal [40L] ~ Mash at 64*C ~ Add 85g each of Acid malt and sugar

Cherry ESB

DaveRussell 5/15/2023 10:01:14 AM
  • {Math.Round(srm)}° L
  • All Grain
  • 23 Liter(s)
  • British Strong Ale
  • 74 IBU
  • 0.1 % ABV

Brew No.40 Rate: 0 5/10 Malt Miller Kit (I added fruit) ABV: 6.4% Yeast: S-04 Attenuation: 75% My attenuation: 79% Aroma: Neutral. Do differently: Recipe: OG: 1055 FG: 1012 ABV: 5.6% Achieved: OG: 1058 FG: 1012 ABV: 6.4% Notes: - Robs English ESB. A classic British ESB, with lots of malt taste and classically hopped with East Kent Goldings. - I swapped hops for Styrian Golding and Fuggles as used the East Kent for my next Fullers 1845 brew. - Also swapped yeast for S-04 for same ...

Style Summary

Strong British Ale
British Strong Ale
1.055 to 1.08
1.015 to 1.022
30 to 60
8 to 22
5.5% to 8%

Highest Rated British Strong Ale Recipes

Brown old from Andres

British Strong Ale
by QUEJIGO 10/30/2016 2:39:22 PM

Old Crafty Bobs Goblin

British Strong Ale
by BobtheBrewer 9/30/2020 11:00:21 AM

Frosted Maple Slippers English...

British Strong Ale
by Fieldstock 2/25/2024 6:54:12 PM

British Amber modified kitchen...

British Strong Ale
by mbrokos 5/22/2020 8:41:17 AM
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