


Member Since 12/28/2012
22 Recipes Created
3 Brew Sessions Created

I stated brewing at home in the fall of 2012 after my wife bought me a home brew kit. I plan to start doing all grain in the near future when i invest in the necessary extra equipment.

New Recipe

Date AddedName
9/4/2021 Black kolsch attempt Black kolsch attempt
2/2/2017 Milk stout Milk stout
12/29/2016 Wells Bombardier cone attempt Wells Bombardier cone attempt
9/17/2016 Schwarzbier Schwarzbier
5/25/2016 Rye IPA Rye IPA
3/5/2016 Kolsch Kolsch
10/9/2015 Brown Ale Brown Ale
7/5/2015 Gose Gose
6/14/2015 Bo Pils Bo Pils
2/23/2015 Imperial IPA Imperial IPA
Date AddedName
Showing 1 to 10 of 22 entries

Brew Session: Blowout Black IPA

JugDogBrewhouse 12 years ago
  • Fermentation
  • Conditioning

conditioned in secondary for 15 days then bottled for 2 weeks. The longer this sits in the bottles the better it gets. I used big bottles for a lot of this and plan to age this for a while.

Brew Session: White House Honey Ale

JugDogBrewhouse 12 years ago
  • Fermentation
  • Conditioning

the liquid malt extract was actually 6.3 lbs. golden but that was not an option on the pull down menu. The color is darker than the 13.9SRM indicated in the recipe facts, more like 35-40. The original plan was to do 1 week in the primary and 2 weeks in the secondary but after 1 week the kraussen was still about 3/4 of an inch thick so I decided to wait a little longer. The taste at the time was good but it definitely needs some time in the secondary to develop.

Brew Session: Jug Dog American Pale Ale

JugDogBrewhouse 12 years ago
  • Fermentation
  • Tasting Notes

Boil was a standard boil with a little bit of a boil over scare. I added the fermcap S to settle everything down. I fooled this by pouring the hot wort through a strainer on to ice in a bucket. That cooled it way down to about 65° in like 5 minutes. I keep the fermentor in my basement where it gets pretty cold so I leave in near the heater and that keeps it right around 65°. I used an airlock thinking that with a 1.050 O.G. it would be fine but that clogged with kraussen so I put a ...

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