Trying out Vienna malt instead of Munich and using Perle hops.
Kosch (Ess)
Brew No.43 Rate: 0/10 INFECTED. SOUR. Threw batch away. Tasted sour instantly and poured strangley like syrup. Malt Miller kit ABV: 0% Yeast: LALLEMAND Kolsch Attenuation: 75% My attenuation: 87% Aroma: Neutral to slightly fruity and estery. Recipe: OG: 1049 FG: 1011 ABV: 5% Achieved: OG: 1049 FG: 1009 ABV:5.6% Notes: – Broke thermometer, guessed temps. – Added about 400g of home made inverted sugar to reach OG. However beer poured like syrup. F’In disaster. Don’t know why. Threw ...
Lalbrew Kolsch yeast, not US05....hop sock in the cube