English Cider Recipes

English Cider Recipes - Displaying 1 to 10 of 14

Cider V2

DaveRussell 6/24/2024 4:41:03 AM
  • {Math.Round(srm)}° L
  • All Grain
  • 14 Liter(s)
  • English Cider
  • 0 IBU
  • 5.3 % ABV

Brew No.51 Rate: 0/10 ABV: 0% Guide attenuation: 95-100% My attenuation: 100% Achieved: OG: 1045 FG: 1000 ABV: 0% Notes: – Might Back sweeten. 5 Tbs of Xylitol per 5L on bottling. – Forgot to wait 24 hours before adding yeast. – 3 lots of yeast. – Didn't see any bubbles or krausen. So pitched Mangrove Jacks Cider yeast a few days later as well. Still no bubbles. Assumed no oxygen, so shook cider in demijohns then poured back into bucket. However. I stupidly took a FG after that, ...

Appledores Cider

CharlieMopps 5/9/2023 7:30:02 PM
  • {Math.Round(srm)}° L
  • All Grain
  • 5 Gallon(s)
  • English Cider
  • 0 IBU
  • 5.5 % ABV

Add 4 gallons apple juice and adjunct sugars; ferment. Potassium sorbate once primary is complete. Once stable, rack to secondary and add ¹ gallon of apple juice to back sweeten. Force Carb.


DaveRussell 11/4/2022 11:15:48 AM
  • {Math.Round(srm)}° L
  • All Grain
  • 6 Liter(s)
  • English Cider
  • 0 IBU
  • 0.0 % ABV

Brew No.31 Rate: 6/10 ABV: 7.2% Guide attenuation: 95-100% My attenuation: 100% Achieved: OG: 1055 FG: 1000 ABV: 7.2% Notes: Very sour but added touch of honey on drinking and was lovely. – Slightly under carbonated. Drunk after 2 years. – 6Lt Tesco concentrated apple juice. No preservatives. – 1 Darjeeling tea bag adds tannin, which helps flavour. Juice of a lime. – TO BACK SWEETEN. ADD 5 TBS OF Xylitol PER GALLON ON BOTTLING. PROBABLY ADD TO SUGSR ON BOTTING? Do again: Yeah. ...

Graff Hopped Cider

blackshroud 6/29/2020 11:14:22 PM
  • {Math.Round(srm)}° L
  • All Grain + Extract
  • 23 Liter(s)
  • English Cider
  • 61 IBU
  • 5.6 % ABV

Mangrove Jacks Premium Cider

RadfordBrewer 4/30/2020 4:43:04 AM
  • {Math.Round(srm)}° L
  • Extract
  • 23 Liter(s)
  • English Cider
  • 0 IBU
  • 6.0 % ABV

First kit cider made on 30th April 2020 under Lockdown!!

Hard Cider

Brewdini 11/16/2019 7:13:33 AM
  • {Math.Round(srm)}° L
  • All Grain
  • 4.5 Liter(s)
  • English Cider
  • 0 IBU
  • 7.1 % ABV

Clone Of Cider

Brewer 119044 8/7/2019 8:53:37 PM
  • {Math.Round(srm)}° L
  • Extract
  • 5 Gallon(s)
  • English Cider
  • 0 IBU
  • 0.0 % ABV

Apple Cider from Cellar Apples

PepperRanchBrewer 2/17/2019 6:17:57 AM
  • {Math.Round(srm)}° L
  • All Grain
  • 5 Gallon(s)
  • English Cider
  • 0 IBU
  • 6.5 % ABV

Had four 5-gallons buckets of homegrown apples in the root cellar that needed to be used or lost around Jan 1. Decided to make this cider.

HUnters dry

Greshbrew 10/4/2018 8:24:42 PM
  • {Math.Round(srm)}° L
  • All Grain
  • 4 Liter(s)
  • English Cider
  • 0 IBU
  • 5.4 % ABV


FuzzyT 5/20/2016 10:00:46 AM
  • {Math.Round(srm)}° L
  • Extract
  • 1.5 Gallon(s)
  • English Cider
  • 0 IBU
  • 6.1 % ABV

Style Summary

Standard Cider and Perry
English Cider
% to %

Highest Rated English Cider Recipes

Apple Cider from Cellar Apples

English Cider
by PepperRanchBrewer 2/17/2019 6:17:57 AM

Appledores Cider

English Cider
by CharlieMopps 5/9/2023 7:30:02 PM

Dry-Hopped Hard Cider

English Cider
by alx 9/9/2014 8:22:34 PM

HUnters dry

English Cider
by Greshbrew 10/4/2018 8:24:42 PM


English Cider
by FuzzyT 5/20/2016 10:00:46 AM
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