Brew No.51
Rate: 0/10
ABV: 6%
Guide attenuation: 95-100%
My attenuation: 100%
Achieved: OG: 1045 FG: 1000 ABV: 6%
– Didnt back sweeten. 5 Tbs of Xylitol per 5L on bottling.
– Forgot to wait 24 hours before adding yeast.
– 3 lots of yeast.
– Month in primary bucket. 2 months secondary 2 demijohns
– Didn't see any bubbles or krausen. So pitched Mangrove Jacks Cider yeast a few days later as well. Still no bubbles. Assumed no oxygen, so shook cider in demijohns then poured back into bucket. However. I stupidly took a FG after that, just to see and it had achieved 1014 from 1044. Having now shaken the cider and added oxygen after FG, or close to it, I needed to kick start fermentation again to get rid of oxygen. So added 200g rock sugar diluted in another tub of juice. And added a second bag of Mangrove Jacks.
Do again: Disaster but seemed to have attenuated. Won’t bother again.
{"RecipeId":114873,"RecipeTypeId":10,"OriginalRecipeId":105971,"UnitType":"m","IbuFormula":"b","CreatedBy":120321,"Name":"Cider V2","Description":"Brew No.51\n\nRate: 0/10 \nABV: 6% \nGuide attenuation: 95-100%\nMy attenuation: 100%\n\nAchieved: OG: 1045 FG: 1000 ABV: 6%\n\nNotes: \n– Didnt back sweeten. 5 Tbs of Xylitol per 5L on bottling. \n– Forgot to wait 24 hours before adding yeast. \n– 3 lots of yeast. \n– Month in primary bucket. 2 months secondary 2 demijohns\n– Didn\u0027t see any bubbles or krausen. So pitched Mangrove Jacks Cider yeast a few days later as well. Still no bubbles. Assumed no oxygen, so shook cider in demijohns then poured back into bucket. However. I stupidly took a FG after that, just to see and it had achieved 1014 from 1044. Having now shaken the cider and added oxygen after FG, or close to it, I needed to kick start fermentation again to get rid of oxygen. So added 200g rock sugar diluted in another tub of juice. And added a second bag of Mangrove Jacks.\n\n\nDo again: Disaster but seemed to have attenuated. Won’t bother again. ","ImageUrlRoot":null,"StyleId":"C1B","StyleName":"English Cider","BatchSize":14,"BoilSize":0,"BoilTime":60,"Efficiency":1,"DateCreated":"\/Date(1719229263897)\/","BrewSessionCount":0,"MostRecentBrewSession":null,"Og":1.0572250546721724,"Fg":1.0162137654904488,"Srm":4.7487678426735869,"Ibu":0,"BgGu":0,"Abv":5.290456304442344,"Calories":193,"AverageRating":0,"TastingNoteCount":0,"Fermentables":[{"Per":"100","Amt":"3","Ppg":"32","L":"3","Use":"Mash","Id":"609987","IngId":"11192","Name":"Apple Juice","CustomName":"","Rank":"2"}],"Hops":[],"Yeasts":[{"Atten":"0.75","Id":"170205","IngId":"131","Name":"Fermentis Safale S-04","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"},{"Atten":"0.7","Id":"170312","IngId":"8340","Name":"Mangrove Jacks Cider","CustomName":"","Rank":"2"},{"Atten":"0.7","Id":"170313","IngId":"8340","Name":"Mangrove Jacks Cider","CustomName":"","Rank":"3"}],"Others":[{"Amt":"3","Unit":"each","Use":"Primary","Id":"110492","IngId":"15480","Name":"Lime","CustomName":"","Rank":"2"},{"Amt":"3","Unit":"each","Use":"Primary","Id":"110493","IngId":"15493","Name":"Darjeeling tea bag","CustomName":"","Rank":"4"}],"MashSteps":[],"Steps":[{"Id":"191796","Rank":"1","Text":"Add 160ml of water with lime juice, boil, add 3 teabag, 1 Camden tab. Cool."},{"Id":"191797","Rank":"2","Text":"Pour Juice into bucket"},{"Id":"191798","Rank":"3","Text":"Oxygenate in demijon"},{"Id":"191799","Rank":"4","Text":"Hydrometer - OG 1056"},{"Id":"191800","Rank":"5","Text":"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"},{"Id":"191801","Rank":"6","Text":"Allow 24 hours for the sulfur dioxide to off-gas before pitching yeast"},{"Id":"191802","Rank":"7","Text":"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"},{"Id":"191803","Rank":"8","Text":"Pitch yeast: 20C - Ferment: Ideal 18C - 24C"},{"Id":"191804","Rank":"9","Text":"Primary ferment for 1 month"},{"Id":"191805","Rank":"10","Text":"Secondary ferment for 2/3 months"},{"Id":"191806","Rank":"11","Text":"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"},{"Id":"191807","Rank":"12","Text":"Hydrometer - FG 1000"},{"Id":"191808","Rank":"13","Text":"80g Sugar - 170ml water"},{"Id":"191809","Rank":"14","Text":"Leave 3/5 months to taste best"}]}