50% RO Strike with 2.75 gal, add 6g CaSO4, 2g CaCl, and 10mL phos. Acidify 6 gal sparge water to 5.00 pH. Copper up to 7 gal, boil for 60 minutes. Add 5g CaSO4 to BK. KO @65F, Pitch WY1469.
21/3/2020. Strike temp 69°c. Pitched net day CML cal com yeast at 20.5°c. OG 1046 13/4/20 bottled, batch primed 22l 130g corn sugar FG 1011
Boil and beyond recipe using output from partigyle mash
Just the mash component of the Partigyle brew.
English Pale Ale w/ Cocao Nibs dedicated to Heaven Shall Burn
3G AW, 0.5G RO, 5g CaSO4, 1g CaCl2 mash 4G RO sparge, brewed on 09/01/0219