#115 A golden October festbier fermented with Kveik yeast.
Brewed 7/11/21 (Sun evening) Mash temp: 147-148 Single decoction to mid 150s Sparge around 162 Kettle pH: 5.05 1oz Hallertau @ 90, 1oz Haller @ 20, 1oz Haller, 1oz Spalt Select @ 5 mins Shooting for about 25 IBUs OG 1.057 Cooled to 88*, put in fridge overnight starting around 11p Pitched Saf Diamond Lager the next day (noon) at 48* Didn't ferment for 48 hours, so I also pitched S23 Fermented around 50* for 10 days Bumped up to 56* at around 10 days for another ...
*Confirm vienna/dark munich amounts--using up leftovers. calc it on up! MT:133F 10', 154F 30', 5' decoction HLT: 4.80pH BK: 7gal CU, 90' B, 15' WP KO: ACAP, repitch Bayern, Set.51F
https://beerandbrewing.com/make-your-best-oktoberfest/#:~:text= Start cool at about 50,low (but not absent).