Merry Christmas in Flemish. For this coming year's Xmas beer, I want to tone down the spice a bit so I'm dropping those additions by half, 1/16oz each during whirlpool. I'm going for a Quad as the base recipe and intend on adding Cherry puree as the fruit flavoring. So... Let's Do It!
Fermentables: Pilsner as the base malt, Amber for color and flavor, CaraVienna for color and flavor, a handful of Special B for flavor, Candi sugar for points mostly but color and flavor from the Dark
Hops: I have Perle sitting about and it is the most Continental hop that I have
Yeast: Imperial Monastic, pitch rate of 0.5L of slurry
Water Profile: Chimay from Bru'n water
No cherry - pours 1.5 fingers of off white head in dark orange; the head on this is the definition of pillowy. Aroma is a dense clove and light banana phenolic and toffee malt, almost a hint of copper there as well. Flavor is a much richer version of the aroma with a sweet, vanilla sort of finish. Body is thin and very soft carbonation. Overall, this beer is a lot bigger than it drinks, except in the flavor that is so dense that it seems muddled. I'm enjoying this one more now, I think, than the last couple of tries, but it doesn't make me want to come back for another. I'd say 3.5 stars but it's whole ones only so 3 stars.
With cherry juice - pours 2.5 fingers of foam, mahogany in color. Aroma is a dense yeast phenolic, caramel sweetness, light floral, and almost a hint of chocolate. Flavor is similar to aroma though there is so much dense flavor that it almost tastes like iron-y. Mouthfeel is fairly thin but closer to medium and nucleation is sharp. Overall, the beer is pretty good but nothing special. I agree with the judging that it lacks malt flavor but I disagree entirely that it's possibly infected or has plastic flavors. These needs more malt and dark fruit flavor along with less yeast phenolic. 3 stars.
No cherry - Pours one finger of foam that is slow to dissipate, sort of a burnt orange color. Aroma is subdued orange with yeast phenolics and a touch of booze, but not fusel. Flavor is phenolic forward, then a dense malty candy flavor with hints of copper, followed by a boozy bitterness; on subsequent sips, I can get orange and chocolate flavors. The body is on the thin side with a little nucleation sharpness. Overall, it is a very drinkable beer that tastes like a big old Belgian. It is lacking in carbonation and I was really hoping for a touch of dark fruit character. This has achieved some of my vision and with it being so drinkable I will go with 4 stars.
With cherry juice - Pours one finger of foam that dissipates quickly, mahogany in color, slight alcohol legs when swirling. Aroma is yeast phenolic and dark fruit dominant along with a fruity booze, not fusel though; there is almost a banana bread character to this when I come back to it after a couple sips. Flavor follows nose along with the gingerbread spice definitely present, but not overpowering. Body is thin to medium, carbonation feels right in the mouth but the head is disappointing, and there is a slight warming sensation. Overall, this is a solid, high gravity beer that has potential to age into something better. I'm very pleased that it has yeast phenolic character without fusels given that the fermentor was warm to the touch. I wish it had more cherry flavor and better head retention. 3 stars.
{"RecipeId":60168,"RecipeTypeId":10,"OriginalRecipeId":50049,"UnitType":"s","IbuFormula":"t","CreatedBy":112387,"Name":"Vrolijk Kerstfeest Ale","Description":"Merry Christmas in Flemish. For this coming year\u0027s Xmas beer, I want to tone down the spice a bit so I\u0027m dropping those additions by half, 1/16oz each during whirlpool. I\u0027m going for a Quad as the base recipe and intend on adding Cherry puree as the fruit flavoring. So... Let\u0027s Do It!\n\nFermentables: Pilsner as the base malt, Amber for color and flavor, CaraVienna for color and flavor, a handful of Special B for flavor, Candi sugar for points mostly but color and flavor from the Dark\n\nHops: I have Perle sitting about and it is the most Continental hop that I have\n\nYeast: Imperial Monastic, pitch rate of 0.5L of slurry\n\nWater Profile: Chimay from Bru\u0027n water","ImageUrlRoot":null,"StyleId":"26D","StyleName":"Belgian Dark Strong Ale","BatchSize":6,"BoilSize":8,"BoilTime":120,"Efficiency":0.81,"DateCreated":"\/Date(1542166897467)\/","BrewSessionCount":1,"MostRecentBrewSession":13345,"Og":1.109335,"Fg":1.01640025,"Srm":25.700201841841384,"Ibu":21.016037526790086,"BgGu":0.19221692529190187,"Abv":11.98858275,"Calories":385,"AverageRating":3.25,"TastingNoteCount":4,"Fermentables":[{"Per":"81","Amt":"18","Ppg":"36","L":"2","Use":"Mash","Id":"319016","IngId":"5","Name":"Pilsner - BE","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"},{"Per":"5","Amt":"1","Ppg":"36","L":"20","Use":"Mash","Id":"319055","IngId":"4995","Name":"Belgian Kiln Amber Malt","CustomName":"","Rank":"2"},{"Per":"5","Amt":"1","Ppg":"34","L":"22","Use":"Mash","Id":"319056","IngId":"30","Name":"CaraVienna - BE","CustomName":"","Rank":"3"},{"Per":"0","Amt":"0.1","Ppg":"30","L":"180","Use":"Mash","Id":"319071","IngId":"161","Name":"Special B - BE","CustomName":"","Rank":"4"},{"Per":"5","Amt":"1","Ppg":"36","L":"275","Use":"Late","Id":"319022","IngId":"86","Name":"Belgian Dark Candi Sugar - BE","CustomName":"","Rank":"5"},{"Per":"5","Amt":"1","Ppg":"36","L":"1","Use":"Late","Id":"319044","IngId":"85","Name":"Belgian Clear Candi Sugar - BE","CustomName":"","Rank":"6"}],"Hops":[{"Amt":"1","Type":"Pellet","Use":"Boil","Min":"60","Day":"0","AA":"8.3","Ibu":"15.4238028330941","Id":"342364","IngId":"26","Name":"Perle ","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"},{"Amt":"1","Type":"Pellet","Use":"Boil","Min":"10","Day":"0","AA":"8.3","Ibu":"5.59223469369598","Id":"342365","IngId":"26","Name":"Perle ","CustomName":"","Rank":"2"}],"Yeasts":[{"Atten":"0.85","Id":"89063","IngId":"3468","Name":"Imperial B63 Monastic Yeast","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"}],"Others":[{"Amt":"0","Unit":"each","Use":"Mash","Id":"61958","IngId":"12","Name":"Gypsum","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"},{"Amt":"0","Unit":"each","Use":"Mash","Id":"61979","IngId":"6603","Name":"Calcium Chloride","CustomName":"","Rank":"2"},{"Amt":"0","Unit":"each","Use":"Mash","Id":"61959","IngId":"16","Name":"Lactic Acid","CustomName":"","Rank":"3"},{"Amt":"1","Unit":"each","Use":"Boil","Id":"61961","IngId":"6692","Name":"Whirlfloc Tablet","CustomName":"","Rank":"4"},{"Amt":"0","Unit":"each","Use":"Boil","Id":"61960","IngId":"29","Name":"Yeast Nutrient","CustomName":"","Rank":"5"},{"Amt":"0","Unit":"tbsp","Use":"FlameOut","Id":"61963","IngId":"7048","Name":"Pumpkin Pie Spice","CustomName":"","Rank":"6"},{"Amt":"0","Unit":"each","Use":"FlameOut","Id":"61980","IngId":"8","Name":"Coriander","CustomName":"","Rank":"7"},{"Amt":"0","Unit":"each","Use":"FlameOut","Id":"63288","IngId":"7538","Name":"Lime Peel","CustomName":"","Rank":"8"},{"Amt":"0","Unit":"each","Use":"FlameOut","Id":"63289","IngId":"7710","Name":"Black Pepper","CustomName":"","Rank":"9"},{"Amt":"0","Unit":"each","Use":"FlameOut","Id":"63290","IngId":"20","Name":"Orange or Lemon peel","CustomName":"","Rank":"10"},{"Amt":"5","Unit":"lb","Use":"Secondary","Id":"61974","IngId":"6756","Name":"Cherry Puree","CustomName":"","Rank":"11"}],"MashSteps":[{"Heat":"Infusion","Temp":"113","Time":"45","Id":"45203","IngId":"3694","Name":"Ferulic Acid Rest","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"},{"Heat":"Direct Heat","Temp":"149","Time":"30","Id":"44822","IngId":"9","Name":"Saccharification Rest","CustomName":"","Rank":"2"},{"Heat":"Direct Heat","Temp":"162","Time":"10","Id":"45204","IngId":"7","Name":"Mash-Out","CustomName":"","Rank":"3"}],"Steps":[{"Id":"103313","Rank":"1","Text":"Mash with 7.5 gallons with 1.0g gypsum, 2.2g CaCl, and 3.0mL lactic"},{"Id":"103314","Rank":"2","Text":"Sparge with 2.5 gallons with 1.30g gypsum, 1.0g NaCl, and 1.0mL Lactic"},{"Id":"103315","Rank":"3","Text":"Double the yeast nutrient"},{"Id":"103316","Rank":"4","Text":"Sugar will be put in last 10 minutes of boil"},{"Id":"103317","Rank":"5","Text":"Add 0.125oz each of pumpkin pie spice, coriander, pepper, lime peel, and orange peel at flameout"},{"Id":"103318","Rank":"6","Text":"Oxygenate for 1 min and again 12 hours post-pitch"},{"Id":"103319","Rank":"7","Text":"Integrate cherry made from frozen fruit when racking to secondary"}]}