


Member Since 7/10/2013
39 Recipes Created
2 Brew Sessions Created

I am fairly new to home brewing, brewing my first extract w/ specialty grain batch in Feb of 2013. After only 4 extract kits I jumped into 3 gallon all grain batches, making most of the equipment myself (immersion chiller, mash tun, fermentation chamber, etc). I love 3 gallon batches because I don't need expensive equipment and I can brew more often without needing to store a ton of beer. As with many who start doing this, I'm quickly becoming ad

New Recipe

Date AddedName
11/7/2019 Oatmeal Coffee Stout Oatmeal Coffee Stout
4/12/2019 Pilsner Pilsner
4/11/2019 Camping Beer 5 Camping Beer 5
4/10/2018 Red Chair Clone Red Chair Clone
11/14/2017 Oatmeal Coffee Milk Stout Oatmeal Coffee Milk Stout
10/12/2017 Hop Bomb Hop Bomb
8/11/2017 Chinook Chinook
8/8/2017 Eclipse Brew Eclipse Brew
5/11/2017 Fir-ment Fir-ment
2/22/2017 BUB IPA BUB IPA
Date AddedName
Showing 1 to 10 of 39 entries
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