Pale, straw-like color. Moderately dense wheat haze. Definite banana esters. Some breadiness evident. Little hop aroma. Tart, citrusy, grapefruit like flavor. Some banana flavor with a small amount of hop presence in the finish. Finish is also dry but refreshing. Medium light mouthfeel, 'spritzy' and refreshing. A pale, light bodies, fruity and refreshing wheat beer.
Straw colored, hazy wheat appearance as expected Banana esters, somewhat muted from the secondary but still present. Pleasant and fruity. Initial fruitiniess. I detect a citrusy, grapefruit like flavor, whether that's from the yeast or the hops I can't really say. Despite steeping 3 ounces of hops there's very little hop presence notable in the finished product. Carbonation is still low. Alcohol is noticed on the backside and not at all forward, doesn't mask any of the flavor. Very light with a touch of tartness present. A good refreshing beer. This beer has turned out as well as I thought it would. I have a slurry of the Weiheinstephan 3068 in the refrigerator in the hopes that we can do another wheat beer of some variation closer to summer. This is going to be a lot better once the carbonation hits the right leve.
Cloudy, almost opaque upon racking to secondary Strong aromas of bananas and cloves from German ale yeast. Fruity esters, mainly bananas and clove, some noticeable hop bitterness. Light to medium light. This beer is coming along nicely for a four day old batch. I'll leave this in the secondary for a week or so and bottle around the first of March. I expect FG to be slightly lower after secondary is complete, just because fermentation seems to pick up ever so slightly when batches are racked off to the carboy.
Sampled post boil wort after cooled down to 80 degrees F. Initially dense haze. Hop trub settled out after serveral minutes and settled into the cloudy appearance expected. Strong honey aroma and floral, citrusy notes from hops Dominant sweetness from the honey with a notable bitterness from hops. After settling for several more minutes, hop bitterness was more subdued. Crisp but full. Initial impression is one of a sweet beer with dry finish and light body, some bitterness in aftertaste.
Why so hoppy?
12 years ago
This was actually a kit that I had bought. The hallertau and goldings came with the kit. The hersbrucker was left over from a previous recipe and had been sitting around for awhile with nothing to do. It was one of impulse moments to clean up my inventory and add the hersbrucker in the mix. My initial impressions from tasting are that the additional hops didn't come off too strongly. I would caution, however, that I do my hop additions in muslin bags instead of just throwing into the brew kettle. As a result my IBU's typically come out much lower than calculated.
12 years ago
Also kit hops are rarely fresh... Nice though, I'm glad it came out well.
Why so hoppy?
12 years agoThis was actually a kit that I had bought. The hallertau and goldings came with the kit. The hersbrucker was left over from a previous recipe and had been sitting around for awhile with nothing to do. It was one of impulse moments to clean up my inventory and add the hersbrucker in the mix. My initial impressions from tasting are that the additional hops didn't come off too strongly. I would caution, however, that I do my hop additions in muslin bags instead of just throwing into the brew kettle. As a result my IBU's typically come out much lower than calculated.
12 years agoAlso kit hops are rarely fresh... Nice though, I'm glad it came out well.
12 years ago