American Barleywine Recipe - OldGoat Hogsbreath Barleywine

Recipe Info

Recipe Image

OldGoat Hogsbreath Barleywine

by on
All Grain + Extract
5 Gallon(s)
7 Gallon(s)
60 min
I brewed this as a demonstration on 12 August 2012 at the Annual Oak Harbor Pig Roast and Homebrew Competition (with some help from my friends at the Whidbey Island Homebrew Supply) . They not only supplied the ingredients, but Jeremy gave me some tips along the way since this was my first barleywine. I racked it four times to increase the clarity and kegged it on 23 Dec. OG 1.096. FG 1.000! 12.8 % ABV. It will sit until August 2013, when we will share it with fellow homebrewers and vendors at the next Annual Oak Harbor Pig Roast and Homebrew Competition! Can't wait, tastes great.

(Late note....unfortunately, for some unknown reason other than the distinct possibility that maybe I was drinking while I was brewing this, I didn't note the type yeast I used - thus the 0% ABV. Jeremy will remember and I will post it as soon as I talk to him....check back later....sorry fellow brewers) :-(

The racking schedule I used was due to the fact that it would not calm down in the primary and each rack after that was at my convenience....not because I had a specific schedule I was following. Use your own rack schedule as seems fit for you.

I will bottle this using a counter-pressure bottle filler in June to make sure it is ready for the show in August.


86% - 2-Row - US
1% - Caramel/Crystal 80 - US
1% - Chocolate Malt - US
12% - Pale Liquid Malt Extract


60 min(s)
30 min(s)
0 min(s)
0 min(s)


White Labs California Ale WLP001
White Labs California Ale WLP001

Other Stuff

No other stuff in this recipe

Mash Steps

No mash steps in this recipe

Special Instructions

Mash 60 min at 156 deg.
Boil 45 min.
Add LME to boil kettle
Boil 15 min
Primary 54 days at 67 deg
Secondary 36 days at 67 deg
Tertiary 18 days (as I racked the third time, this is when I hit 1.000 SG) I also put it in my chest freezer at 34 deg from this point on to further increase clarity.
Fourth 22 days at 34 deg
Keg condition at 34 deg till it tastes right to you.

Tasting Notes (0)

There aren't any tasting notes logged yet


  • SingleSpeed

    I've never heard of the Oak Harbor Pig Roast but this might require a road trip to try this brew :) Sounds so good. That's quiet the attenuation, what temp did you mash at?

    12 years ago
  • OldGoat

    Single Speed,

    Sorry. I am just learning how to put the recipes on Brewgr and it was getting late (for me). I have added quite a bit to the recipe and will add the yeast once I talk to Jeremy to see what it was. Hope to see you in the Great Northwest this Summer. If you make it, hunt me out at the Whidbey Island Homebrew Supply...or thereabouts.

    Kolin (aka OldGoat)

    12 years ago
  • OldGoat

    Single Speed, sorry again. I am realizing more as I use the site. Just realized you can't see my brew steps when you clone a recipe...not sure why. Here is the whole story.

    I brewed this as a demonstration on 12 August 2012 at the Annual Oak Harbor Pig Roast and Homebrew Competition (with some help from my friends at the Whidbey Island Homebrew Supply) . They not only supplied the ingredients, but Jeremy gave me some tips along the way since this was my first barleywine. I racked it four times to increase the clarity and kegged it on 23 Dec. OG 1.096. FG 1.000! 12.8 % ABV. It will sit until August 2013, when we will share it with fellow homebrewers and vendors at the next Annual Oak Harbor Pig Roast and Homebrew Competition! Can't wait, tastes great.

    (Late note....unfortunately, for some unknown reason other than the distinct possibility that maybe I was drinking while I was brewing this, I didn't note the type yeast I used - thus the 0% ABV. Jeremy will remember and I will post it as soon as I talk to him....check back later....sorry fellow brewers) :-(

    The racking schedule I used was due to the fact that it would not calm down in the primary and each rack after that was at my convenience....not because I had a specific schedule I was following. Use your own rack schedule as seems fit for you.

    I will bottle this using a counter-pressure bottle filler in June to make sure it is ready for the show in August.

    I discovered that when cloning a recipe that someone else has posted on Brewgr, it does not give the specific brew steps. Not sure why...

    At any rate, here they are.
    Mash 60 min at 156 deg.
    Boil 45 min.
    Add LME to boil kettle
    Boil 15 min
    Primary 54 days at 67 deg
    Secondary 36 days at 67 deg
    Tertiary 18 days (as I racked the third time, this is when I hit 1.000 SG) I also put it in my chest freezer at 34 deg from this point on to further increase clarity.
    Fourth 22 days at 34 deg
    Keg condition at 34 deg till it tastes right to you.

    12 years ago
  • ctorx

    Good find Old Goat! I fixed the cloning issue so now when you clone a recipe, the steps are cloned also. Thanks for letting us know.

    12 years ago
  • OldGoat

    Thanks ctorx. I appreciate the quick fix. So you are the developer of this fine product!

    12 years ago
  • SingleSpeed

    OldGoat, that's a lot of racking. I would bet that added to the great attenuation, the stirring up of the yeast. It will be a very dry and clean barley wine. Great work and thanks for the info. I need a "big" beer to brew and this might just be it.

    Yes, ctorx is the developer and myself. Thanks for posting and if you have ANY feedback please provide it. We want to build this based on user feedback not what we like. I mean it, if you have any little pet peeves or anything no matter how small please let us know.

    12 years ago
  • OldGoat

    Thanks Single Speed...

    I have never had attenuation like this. Took me by surprise and I wasn't sure what did it. You might be right. I will try it again. I will probably brew a similar batch at this year's Pig Roast. We'll see if I can get the FG down where I got this one.

    I am going to be using Brewgr solely for my next several batches so I can record some sessions. I will let you know where I see any issues that bug me enough to mention.

    So I take it you are in the CA central valley as well?

    12 years ago
  • ctorx

    Guilty as charged, along with Singlespeed, though he's down in Southern California.

    12 years ago
  • Adam-Leith

    I'm representing Grand Rapids, MI..... what does the gr stand for in the address ?

    11 years ago
  • OldGoat

    You will have to ask ctorx or SingleSpeed that question...they are the developers.

    11 years ago
  • ctorx

    Sorry, it took me a minute to figure out what you were asking. The "gr" doesn't have any specific meaning. We wanted a name that was easily remembered and short. Finding domain names that are not already reserved is tough for common words, and we didn't want a boring name like home rewing tool or home brewing community, so we can up with Brewgr. Personally, I like to think the "gr" is the deep growl of an old weathered and bearded homebrewer living in a cabin in the middle of nowhere, but feel free to use your imagination.

    11 years ago

Recipe Facts

OldGoat Hogsbreath Barleywine
American Barleywine
  • 5.00 Gallons Liters Batch Size
  • 7.00 Gallons Liters Boil Size
  • 60  min Boil Time
  • 1.138 OG
  • 1.041 FG
  • 88.5 IBU (brewgr) Bitterness
  • 0.64 BG:GU
  • 17.2° SRM Color
  • 75% Efficiency
  • 12.4% ABV Alcohol
  • 511 per 12oz Calories
Clone This Recipe

American Barleywine

OG 0.995
OG: 1.080-1.120 / Your OG: 1.138
FG 0.995
FG: 1.016-1.030 / Your FG: 1.041
IBU: 50-100 / Your IBU: 88
SRM: 10-19 / Your SRM: 17.2
ABV: 8-12 / Your ABV: 12.4
BG:GU: 0.42-1.25 / Your BG:GU: 0.64

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