this was brewed mid march last year, half was dry hopped and served at my buddys wedding, the other half received saison berneice dregs i built up from SARA over the course of 2 months. ferm on that half took a few months. and now almost 9mo in the bottle
I haven't had one in a while. to my delight, there was only faint bandaid. I also served this beer and no one could pickup the bandaid until i told them about it. I now will wait until atleast march to taste. damn mixed ferm beers take their sweet time
poured hazy, nice head retention...yet the bandaid is still there. not as pronounced as last taste..but still enough for me to drainpour. the funky pineapple is prominent, but not enough for me to forget about the bandaid. i dont think i'll taste this again until 10/10 to see if an extra month will help with the remission of this off-flavor.
bandaid is slighter than i remember first tasting it. pineapple and citrus are still there. hopefully starting to clean up, will try not to drink another until august 10th
super dry, aroma's of pineapple and citrus, slight bandaid aroma but should clear up in the bottle, low-med tartness with a bracing bitterness. looking forward to what this beer turns out into, almost 3 cases, should last a little while.
{"RecipeId":21544,"RecipeTypeId":10,"OriginalRecipeId":null,"UnitType":"s","IbuFormula":"b","CreatedBy":100558,"Name":"saison de bernice-ish 86","Description":"this was brewed mid march last year, half was dry hopped and served at my buddys wedding, the other half received saison berneice dregs i built up from SARA over the course of 2 months. ferm on that half took a few months. and now almost 9mo in the bottle ","ImageUrlRoot":null,"StyleId":"25B","StyleName":"Saison","BatchSize":10,"BoilSize":13,"BoilTime":60,"Efficiency":0.7,"DateCreated":"\/Date(1457180453860)\/","BrewSessionCount":1,"MostRecentBrewSession":6039,"Og":1.063315,"Fg":1.0063315,"Srm":5.1299204576173763,"Ibu":24.995212002717214,"BgGu":0.39477551927216631,"Abv":7.3508715,"Calories":210,"AverageRating":4,"TastingNoteCount":4,"Fermentables":[{"Per":"94","Amt":"23","Ppg":"37","L":"1","Use":"Mash","Id":"100435","IngId":"3","Name":"2-Row - US","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"},{"Per":"2","Amt":"0.5","Ppg":"33","L":"10","Use":"Mash","Id":"100436","IngId":"537","Name":"Golden Naked Oats - UK","CustomName":"","Rank":"2"},{"Per":"4","Amt":"1","Ppg":"37","L":"32","Use":"Mash","Id":"100437","IngId":"34","Name":"Belgian Aromatic - BE","CustomName":"","Rank":"3"}],"Hops":[{"Amt":"1","Type":"Pellet","Use":"Boil","Min":"60","Day":"0","AA":"13","Ibu":"24.9952120027172","Id":"100535","IngId":"136","Name":"Pacific Jade","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"}],"Yeasts":[{"Atten":"0.9","Id":"29228","IngId":"155","Name":"White Labs Belgian Saison I WLP565","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"}],"Others":[],"MashSteps":[],"Steps":[]}