1.To reduce the extraction of harsh flavors from the heavily roasted grains, cold steeping is required.
2.This should result in a smoother roasted flavor while maintaining the aroma. Because of the inefficiency of cold steeping, the recipe has been calculated with 3 times the normal amount of dark grains.
3.An additional .25 lbs of sugar has been added, since what starch remains in the dark roasted malts will not be converted.
4.As a result of the cold steeping process, expect to see the SRM and the ABV of the beer decrease a low-to-moderate amount.
5.24 hours before the beginning of the brew day, measure out 1.5 gallons of water and bring to a boil for 5 minutes.
6.Allow water to cool to room temperature. Pour in dark grains, cover, and allow to steep.
7.On brew day, bring 4 gallons of water to 122F to begin the mashing procedures. ONLY the pilsner grain will be mashed.
8.Once all mashing steps are complete, calculate the amount of water to be added to ensure the final volume will be 5 gallons. Keep in mind that the cold brew liquid will be added with 15 minutes remaining in the boil.
9.Add hop addition to wort, and bring the wort to a rolling boil.
10.With 15 minutes left in the mash add table sugar, cold-steeped liquid, and yeast nutrient.
11.Cool to 68F and pitch yeast. Allow to free rise to as high as the low 80s.
12.After it has set in primary for 28 days, prime with sugar of choice and bottle.
{"RecipeId":15556,"RecipeTypeId":10,"OriginalRecipeId":null,"UnitType":"s","IbuFormula":"t","CreatedBy":101453,"Name":"Minuit","Description":"BIAB","ImageUrlRoot":null,"StyleId":null,"StyleName":null,"BatchSize":5,"BoilSize":6.5,"BoilTime":90,"Efficiency":0.75,"DateCreated":"\/Date(1445700890140)\/","BrewSessionCount":0,"MostRecentBrewSession":null,"Og":1.0618375,"Fg":1.00618375,"Srm":64.9883402959881,"Ibu":27.416537536662151,"BgGu":0.44336426176126387,"Abv":7.1793337500000014,"Calories":204,"AverageRating":0,"TastingNoteCount":0,"Fermentables":[{"Per":"51","Amt":"5.5","Ppg":"36","L":"2","Use":"Mash","Id":"70296","IngId":"5","Name":"Pilsner - BE","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"},{"Per":"10","Amt":"1.125","Ppg":"30","L":"340","Use":"Mash","Id":"70293","IngId":"506","Name":"Chocolate - BE","CustomName":"","Rank":"2"},{"Per":"10","Amt":"1.125","Ppg":"36","L":"150","Use":"Mash","Id":"70294","IngId":"508","Name":"Coffee Malt - UK","CustomName":"","Rank":"3"},{"Per":"14","Amt":"1.5","Ppg":"32","L":"418","Use":"Mash","Id":"70295","IngId":"526","Name":"De-Husked Caraf II - DE","CustomName":"","Rank":"4"},{"Per":"14","Amt":"1.5","Ppg":"46","L":"0","Use":"Late","Id":"70297","IngId":"153","Name":"Table Sugar - Sucrose - US","CustomName":"","Rank":"5"}],"Hops":[{"Amt":"0.75","Type":"Pellet","Use":"FirstWort","Min":"90","Day":"0","AA":"10","Ibu":"27.4165375366622","Id":"69421","IngId":"94","Name":"","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"}],"Yeasts":[{"Atten":"0.9","Id":"20528","IngId":"155","Name":"White Labs Belgian Saison I WLP565","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"}],"Others":[{"Amt":"8","Unit":"tsp","Use":"Boil","Id":"13613","IngId":"29","Name":"Yeast Nutrient","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"}],"MashSteps":[{"Heat":"Infusion","Temp":"70","Time":"0","Id":"8369","IngId":"1582","Name":"Cold Steep Dark Grains","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"},{"Heat":"Direct Heat","Temp":"122","Time":"30","Id":"8370","IngId":"9","Name":"Saccharification Rest","CustomName":"","Rank":"2"},{"Heat":"Direct Heat","Temp":"146","Time":"45","Id":"8371","IngId":"9","Name":"Saccharification Rest","CustomName":"","Rank":"3"},{"Heat":"Direct Heat","Temp":"162","Time":"30","Id":"8372","IngId":"9","Name":"Saccharification Rest","CustomName":"","Rank":"4"}],"Steps":[{"Id":"22703","Rank":"1","Text":"To reduce the extraction of harsh flavors from the heavily roasted grains, cold steeping is required."},{"Id":"22704","Rank":"2","Text":"This should result in a smoother roasted flavor while maintaining the aroma. Because of the inefficiency of cold steeping, the recipe has been calculated with 3 times the normal amount of dark grains."},{"Id":"22705","Rank":"3","Text":"An additional .25 lbs of sugar has been added, since what starch remains in the dark roasted malts will not be converted."},{"Id":"22706","Rank":"4","Text":"As a result of the cold steeping process, expect to see the SRM and the ABV of the beer decrease a low-to-moderate amount."},{"Id":"22707","Rank":"5","Text":"24 hours before the beginning of the brew day, measure out 1.5 gallons of water and bring to a boil for 5 minutes."},{"Id":"22708","Rank":"6","Text":"Allow water to cool to room temperature. Pour in dark grains, cover, and allow to steep."},{"Id":"22709","Rank":"7","Text":"On brew day, bring 4 gallons of water to 122F to begin the mashing procedures. ONLY the pilsner grain will be mashed."},{"Id":"22710","Rank":"8","Text":"Once all mashing steps are complete, calculate the amount of water to be added to ensure the final volume will be 5 gallons. Keep in mind that the cold brew liquid will be added with 15 minutes remaining in the boil."},{"Id":"22711","Rank":"9","Text":"Add hop addition to wort, and bring the wort to a rolling boil."},{"Id":"22712","Rank":"10","Text":"With 15 minutes left in the mash add table sugar, cold-steeped liquid, and yeast nutrient."},{"Id":"22713","Rank":"11","Text":"Cool to 68F and pitch yeast. Allow to free rise to as high as the low 80s."},{"Id":"22714","Rank":"12","Text":"After it has set in primary for 28 days, prime with sugar of choice and bottle."},{"Id":"22715","Rank":"13","Text":"Age for 2-4 months. Enjoy"}]}