Brewed Saturday 8/14/21 with Lisa
Mashed at 147 - trying to get up in high 70s % AA. pH was about 5.4 before adding some LA and minerals. Hopped with 2018 Hallertauer. Cooled overnight, hit with 30 seconds O2, pitched 750ml of thick, active slurry. Pitched slurry from last Festbier - combination of S23 and Diamond Lager.
OG 1058
Fermenting in less than 12 hours, started out in low 50s, dropped to around 50* for a few days. Raised up to 56-58 after a week or 10 days, raised up to room temp around two weeks. D-rest at 70* for 2 days, then dropped down to lagering temps over 3 days (starting 9/3). Lagered for 1.5 weeks until kegging on 9/14/21 - had to get it carb'd ahead of the DCHB meeting.
OG 1.014
ABV 6%
9/15 Nose is a bit off (funky/fruit), but it tastes great. Perceives drier than it is (1014). Hopefully it clears up a bit and smells/drinks a bit cleaner.
{"RecipeId":97295,"RecipeTypeId":10,"OriginalRecipeId":null,"UnitType":"s","IbuFormula":"b","CreatedBy":116284,"Name":"Festbier - August 2021","Description":"Brewed Saturday 8/14/21 with Lisa\n\nMashed at 147 - trying to get up in high 70s % AA. pH was about 5.4 before adding some LA and minerals. Hopped with 2018 Hallertauer. Cooled overnight, hit with 30 seconds O2, pitched 750ml of thick, active slurry. Pitched slurry from last Festbier - combination of S23 and Diamond Lager. \n\nOG 1058\n\nFermenting in less than 12 hours, started out in low 50s, dropped to around 50* for a few days. Raised up to 56-58 after a week or 10 days, raised up to room temp around two weeks. D-rest at 70* for 2 days, then dropped down to lagering temps over 3 days (starting 9/3). Lagered for 1.5 weeks until kegging on 9/14/21 - had to get it carb\u0027d ahead of the DCHB meeting. \n\nOG 1.014\nABV 6%\n\n9/15 Nose is a bit off (funky/fruit), but it tastes great. Perceives drier than it is (1014). Hopefully it clears up a bit and smells/drinks a bit cleaner. \n\nGOLD MEDAL WINNER AT THE 2021 DCHB GERMAN BEER COMPETITION!!","ImageUrlRoot":null,"StyleId":"4B","StyleName":"Festbier","BatchSize":5.2,"BoilSize":7,"BoilTime":90,"Efficiency":0.78,"DateCreated":"\/Date(1627047353050)\/","BrewSessionCount":0,"MostRecentBrewSession":null,"Og":1.0582346153846154,"Fg":1.0139763076923076,"Srm":4.9642080060544069,"Ibu":18.508368606362044,"BgGu":0.3178241752628051,"Abv":5.7093216923076922,"Calories":195,"AverageRating":0,"TastingNoteCount":0,"Fermentables":[{"Per":"90","Amt":"10","Ppg":"34","L":"2","Use":"Mash","Id":"520236","IngId":"149","Name":"Pilsner - US","CustomName":"","Rank":"2"},{"Per":"2","Amt":"0.25","Ppg":"36","L":"23","Use":"Mash","Id":"522654","IngId":"31","Name":"Biscuit Malt - BE","CustomName":"","Rank":"3"},{"Per":"3","Amt":"0.36","Ppg":"46","L":"0","Use":"Late","Id":"520718","IngId":"153","Name":"Table Sugar - Sucrose - US","CustomName":"","Rank":"4"},{"Per":"5","Amt":"0.5","Ppg":"36","L":"8","Use":"Mash","Id":"522778","IngId":"17","Name":"Vienna - US","CustomName":"","Rank":"4"}],"Hops":[{"Amt":"1","Type":"Pellet","Use":"Boil","Min":"75","Day":"0","AA":"3","Ibu":"12.1731094022385","Id":"544051","IngId":"15","Name":"Hallertau ","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"},{"Amt":"1.5","Type":"Pellet","Use":"Boil","Min":"10","Day":"0","AA":"3","Ibu":"6.33525920412352","Id":"544052","IngId":"286","Name":"Hallertauer Mittelfrüh","CustomName":"","Rank":"2"}],"Yeasts":[{"Atten":"0.76","Id":"144554","IngId":"175","Name":"White Labs German Lager WLP830","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"}],"Others":[],"MashSteps":[],"Steps":[]}