Based off of this (with some modifications):
Yeast Options: Saflager W-34/70 Lager Dry Yeast (ideally ferments at 53.6-59F)
Yeast Estimates for 3 gallon batch.
Dry yeast: just 2 packs of dry yeast
Liquid yeast: (0.015 pack per gallon per gravity point) x (3.25 gal) x (55)= 2.68 packs of liquid yeast
Preboil 1.042 at 68 F with 5.5 gallons
Post boil 4.25 gallons @ 1.054 around 90F. Do the math to check this out
Split the beer into 3 gallon of Lager and 1.25 of side batch and used safale WB-06 for this in the glass carboy. (ended up dumping this before bottling because it tasted sour. Fermented down to 1.010)
Used 2 packets of dry yeast rehydrated in 78F water
Started Fermentation on 10/10/2020
Set Temp of fermenter to to 60 degrees on day 0. Lowered to 57 after 1 days.
Day 6-10: Went home to Rochester on 10/15/2020 and returned on 10/22/2020 to find the temp of the beer to be at 65F. Not sure what happened or when it went our of range. Added ice to the water bath and brought it back down to 60 degrees.
Day 12: set temp down to 55F
Day 13: set temp down to 52F
On 10/25/2020 (day 14):
- SG at 1.012 with a little bit of an off taste, but overall pretty good flavor, close to what we were going for.
- Transferred beer into 3 gallon keg for lagering. Left the pressure value open to avoid pressure build up during lagering.
Plan to cold condition for 3 weeks. Will be done and ready to pressurize on 11/15/2020.
{"RecipeId":88986,"RecipeTypeId":10,"OriginalRecipeId":88460,"UnitType":"s","IbuFormula":"t","CreatedBy":103702,"Name":"109b - Festbier","Description":"Based off of this (with some modifications):\n\n\n\nYeast Options: Saflager W-34/70 Lager Dry Yeast (ideally ferments at 53.6-59F)\nYeast Estimates for 3 gallon batch. \nDry yeast: just 2 packs of dry yeast\nLiquid yeast: (0.015 pack per gallon per gravity point) x (3.25 gal) x (55)= 2.68 packs of liquid yeast \n\nPreboil 1.042 at 68 F with 5.5 gallons\nPost boil 4.25 gallons @ 1.054 around 90F. Do the math to check this out\n\n\nSplit the beer into 3 gallon of Lager and 1.25 of side batch and used safale WB-06 for this in the glass carboy. (ended up dumping this before bottling because it tasted sour. Fermented down to 1.010)\n\nUsed 2 packets of dry yeast rehydrated in 78F water\nStarted Fermentation on 10/10/2020\nSet Temp of fermenter to to 60 degrees on day 0. Lowered to 57 after 1 days. \n\nDay 6-10: Went home to Rochester on 10/15/2020 and returned on 10/22/2020 to find the temp of the beer to be at 65F. Not sure what happened or when it went our of range. Added ice to the water bath and brought it back down to 60 degrees. \n\nDay 12: set temp down to 55F\n\nDay 13: set temp down to 52F\n\nOn 10/25/2020 (day 14):\n- SG at 1.012 with a little bit of an off taste, but overall pretty good flavor, close to what we were going for. \n- Transferred beer into 3 gallon keg for lagering. Left the pressure value open to avoid pressure build up during lagering. \n\nPlan to cold condition for 3 weeks. Will be done and ready to pressurize on 11/15/2020. ","ImageUrlRoot":null,"StyleId":null,"StyleName":null,"BatchSize":4.25,"BoilSize":6,"BoilTime":60,"Efficiency":0.65,"DateCreated":"\/Date(1602345439407)\/","BrewSessionCount":0,"MostRecentBrewSession":null,"Og":1.0551735294117648,"Fg":1.0099312352941177,"Srm":4.7414925592341843,"Ibu":27.245307036092072,"BgGu":0.49381120487612828,"Abv":5.8362559411764714,"Calories":183,"AverageRating":0,"TastingNoteCount":0,"Fermentables":[{"Per":"8","Amt":"0.75","Ppg":"36","L":"4","Use":"Mash","Id":"473474","IngId":"17","Name":"Vienna - US","CustomName":"","Rank":"2"},{"Per":"8","Amt":"0.75","Ppg":"37","L":"15","Use":"Mash","Id":"473476","IngId":"558","Name":"Munich Dark - DE","CustomName":"","Rank":"3"},{"Per":"85","Amt":"8.5","Ppg":"36","L":"1","Use":"Mash","Id":"473475","IngId":"574","Name":"Pilsen - UK","CustomName":"","Rank":"4"}],"Hops":[{"Amt":"0.5","Type":"Pellet","Use":"Boil","Min":"60","Day":"0","AA":"8.3","Ibu":"17.7141730538669","Id":"499454","IngId":"26","Name":"Perle ","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"},{"Amt":"1","Type":"Pellet","Use":"Boil","Min":"15","Day":"0","AA":"4.5","Ibu":"9.53113398222517","Id":"499455","IngId":"15","Name":"Hallertau ","CustomName":"","Rank":"2"}],"Yeasts":[{"Atten":"0.82","Id":"131867","IngId":"569","Name":"Fermentis Saflager S-23","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"}],"Others":[{"Amt":"1","Unit":"tbsp","Use":"Boil","Id":"88132","IngId":"14","Name":"Irish Moss","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"}],"MashSteps":[],"Steps":[]}