This recipe has been brewed 4 time(s)
Brew Session: Inception Ale
rthopper 1/13/2013 12:00:00 AM- Water Infusion
- Mash/Boil
- Fermentation
Had to boil separately as the stove burner wasn't powerful enough to bring the 5.75 gallons to a boil. Took quite a while to cool down as well. Had to move outside where it was in the 20's and it took an hour and a half to cool. Pitched yeast at 72 degrees F.
Recipe Facts
Inception Ale
American Pale Ale
- 5.00 Gallons Liters Batch Size
- 5.75 Gallons Liters Boil Size
- 90 min Boil Time
- 1.054 OG
- 1.013 FG
- 43.7 IBU (brewgr) Bitterness
- 0.81 BG:GU
- 8.1° SRM Color
- 75% Efficiency
- 5.2% ABV Alcohol
- 179 per 12oz Calories