Sequoia Park Special Brew Session

Brew Session Info

(Include any important notes from brew day until tasting)

Yeast used is Safale S-04: used mini starter, 4 oz. wort 28 oz. H2O, 2 T. sugar. Sugars likely not necessary-yeast very high attenuation. Used tubing into H2O for blowoff, very active fermentation.

Water Infusion

Brew Session Specific

5 lb kg
70 min.
2.5 gals liters

Equipment Profile

0.15 gals/lb liters/kg
0.01 gals/lb liters/kg
0.25 gals liters
0.5 gals liters
1 gals/hour liters/hour
0.2 gals liters

Calculated Totals

5.17 gals liters
0.40 gals liters
0.25 gals liters
0.00 °FC
0.00 °FC
-0.50 gals liters
4.92 gals liters
4.37 gals liters

Mash / Boil




1.040 (estimated)
3.6 gallons liters 4.37 (gallonsliters estimated)
70 minutes minutes (70 minutes estimated)
2.5 gals liters

Gravity Estimates

Based on boiling 3.60 gallonsliters at 1.040 for 70 minutes, this will decrease your wort by 1.17 gallonsliters, bringing your after boil OG to 1.053.

You wanted an OG of 1.054. It looks like it will be under.


2.5 gallons liters 2.50 (gallonsliters estimated)
1.055 (1.054 predicted)
(1.008 predicted)


maple syrup
3 oz g

Tasting Notes (0)

There aren't any tasting notes logged yet


  • LeeCase99

    Re: the name, the redwood tips were new, young, freshly blown off from a windstorm in Sequoia Park in Eureka, CA and yes they are old growth trees!!! Lee

    9 years ago
  • LeeCase99

    (i.e. the tips that were used in the beer)...

    9 years ago
  • LeeCase99

    48 hours later, fermentation slowing down, replaced tubes with airlocks - lockdown!

    9 years ago

Recipe Facts

Sequoia Park Special
California Common
  • 2.50 Gallons Liters Batch Size
  • 3.50 Gallons Liters Boil Size
  • 70  min Boil Time
  • 1.054 OG
  • 1.008 FG
  • 147.7 IBU (tinseth) Bitterness
  • 2.71 BG:GU
  • 8.4° SRM Color
  • 75% Efficiency
  • 6.0% ABV Alcohol
  • 180 per 12oz Calories
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