Brewed Quarter Chub V2 w/ Mosaic at 1 gallon AND QChub V2 Mosaic/Galaxy together using the same mash. The following info for mash is the same for both recipes. Everything went very well, boiled at different times but accounted for that in the additions of hops. Got a good hot break and cold break. Vigorous boil in both kettles. Didn't get too drunk either (bonus). Used two sinks for cooling with extra ice and worked out very well. Probably took about 20 mins to cool, swirled to mix the heat within wort, and let sit for 15 mins to let cold break crap fall out. Made sure to sanitize everything because I wasn't that drunk this time. I am a bit now though, but that's OK. Probably should get large rubber bands for the 1 gallon carboys to avoid taping the paper towel to the fermenter and having it fall off. Used duct tape this time and the condensation caused it to fall off after only a few minutes.
Mashed at 153.8F and added 1/10 tsp of gypsum (to 1.5 gal strike water for 2 total gallons for Mosaic and Mosaic/Galaxy version)
Ending mash temp: 151.3F
Pre boil OG: 1.028
After Boil OG: 1.050
{"RecipeId":42252,"RecipeTypeId":10,"OriginalRecipeId":32494,"UnitType":"s","IbuFormula":"t","CreatedBy":110986,"Name":"Quarter Chub V2 with Mosaic","Description":"Brewed Quarter Chub V2 w/ Mosaic at 1 gallon AND QChub V2 Mosaic/Galaxy together using the same mash. The following info for mash is the same for both recipes. Everything went very well, boiled at different times but accounted for that in the additions of hops. Got a good hot break and cold break. Vigorous boil in both kettles. Didn\u0027t get too drunk either (bonus). Used two sinks for cooling with extra ice and worked out very well. Probably took about 20 mins to cool, swirled to mix the heat within wort, and let sit for 15 mins to let cold break crap fall out. Made sure to sanitize everything because I wasn\u0027t that drunk this time. I am a bit now though, but that\u0027s OK. Probably should get large rubber bands for the 1 gallon carboys to avoid taping the paper towel to the fermenter and having it fall off. Used duct tape this time and the condensation caused it to fall off after only a few minutes.\n\nMashed at 153.8F and added 1/10 tsp of gypsum (to 1.5 gal strike water for 2 total gallons for Mosaic and Mosaic/Galaxy version)\nEnding mash temp: 151.3F\nPre boil OG: 1.028\nAfter Boil OG: 1.050\n","ImageUrlRoot":null,"StyleId":null,"StyleName":null,"BatchSize":1,"BoilSize":1.6,"BoilTime":60,"Efficiency":0.7,"DateCreated":"\/Date(1498688280227)\/","BrewSessionCount":0,"MostRecentBrewSession":null,"Og":1.0518,"Fg":1.01295,"Srm":6.2563114343934805,"Ibu":63.342271071466364,"BgGu":1.2228237658584225,"Abv":5.0116499999999995,"Calories":173,"AverageRating":0,"TastingNoteCount":0,"Fermentables":[{"Per":"100","Amt":"2","Ppg":"37","L":"4","Use":"Mash","Id":"213444","IngId":"588","Name":"Vienna - DE","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"}],"Hops":[{"Amt":"0.15","Type":"Pellet","Use":"Boil","Min":"60","Day":"0","AA":"12.7","Ibu":"35.6224581811882","Id":"227577","IngId":"167","Name":"Mosaic","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"},{"Amt":"0.1","Type":"Pellet","Use":"Boil","Min":"30","Day":"0","AA":"12.7","Ibu":"18.2511613076003","Id":"227578","IngId":"167","Name":"Mosaic","CustomName":"","Rank":"2"},{"Amt":"0.2","Type":"Pellet","Use":"Boil","Min":"5","Day":"0","AA":"12.7","Ibu":"9.46865158267785","Id":"227579","IngId":"167","Name":"Mosaic","CustomName":"","Rank":"3"}],"Yeasts":[{"Atten":"0.75","Id":"60556","IngId":"193","Name":"Wyeast American Ale 1056","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"}],"Others":[],"MashSteps":[],"Steps":[]}