Appearance: Cloudy, almost exactly the same color as an empty brown beer bottle. Poured with 1/4" creamy head that faded to a thin film within 3 minutes.
Smell: Malts, clean, very subtle flowery hops
Taste: Malty with a light biscuit quality, no alcohol flavors, light English style hops with a tiny hint of bananas
Mouth-feel: Thin but with some nuanced creamy qualities. Lightly carbonated, ends slightly astringent
6 days after bottling - Appearance: same copper coloring, haziness has dissipated. Smell: Unchanged. Taste: Banana flavor has reduced and the increased carbonation has contributed to realizing more of the bitterness. Mouth-feel: still thin but with increased carbonation.
Appearance: Copper, hazy, no head or glass lacing
Smell: Fruity, flowery esters (mainly bananas) and cascade hops
Taste: Very classic English Bitter flavor profile. Heavy on the banana flavor but not overpowering or off-putting. Not a hint of alcohol.
Mouth-feel: Very thin like water, very little bite of carbonation.
Not recommended
1/28/2016 5:03:42 AM