Mixing the adjuncts that created the nice body from the adjunct series, lower Victory, no boil, two degrees higher ferm temp.
0 - Pitch M 11/23 9pm
48 - End temp R 11/25
Day 5,6,7 - Dry Hop S 11/28,29,30
Day 9 - Swirl 12/2
Day 12 - Bottle M 12/5
Day 22 - Drink M 12/15
Oats got milled. I threw the WF in without crushing it. OG 7.6. WF worked, tons of trub in ferm, wort was already at 65 degrees so fridge didn't turn on. Everything looks normal after 12hr. Ferm looks done in 2 days, maybe due to the wort not needing to have further cooling? Tiny yeast rafts on the surface, but not the giant flocs normally there after the K settles. 19 bottles. Almost an onion/garlic note. Spent an extra 5 days in the fermenter, def had a longer dry hop contact time. FG 3.8. Head on the beer is amazing. Almost 3 months after pitching I had the last bottle and it was really good still. Come back to this one.
{"RecipeId":16052,"RecipeTypeId":10,"OriginalRecipeId":15339,"UnitType":"s","IbuFormula":"t","CreatedBy":101331,"Name":"iPA - 10 - Oats and Wheat","Description":"Mixing the adjuncts that created the nice body from the adjunct series, lower Victory, no boil, two degrees higher ferm temp. \n\n0 - Pitch M 11/23 9pm\n48 - End temp R 11/25\nDay 5,6,7 - Dry Hop S 11/28,29,30\nDay 9 - Swirl 12/2\nDay 12 - Bottle M 12/5\nDay 22 - Drink M 12/15\n\nOats got milled. I threw the WF in without crushing it. OG 7.6. WF worked, tons of trub in ferm, wort was already at 65 degrees so fridge didn\u0027t turn on. Everything looks normal after 12hr. Ferm looks done in 2 days, maybe due to the wort not needing to have further cooling? Tiny yeast rafts on the surface, but not the giant flocs normally there after the K settles. 19 bottles. Almost an onion/garlic note. Spent an extra 5 days in the fermenter, def had a longer dry hop contact time. FG 3.8. Head on the beer is amazing. Almost 3 months after pitching I had the last bottle and it was really good still. Come back to this one. ","ImageUrlRoot":null,"StyleId":null,"StyleName":null,"BatchSize":3.25,"BoilSize":3.5,"BoilTime":5,"Efficiency":0.72,"DateCreated":"\/Date(1446921429823)\/","BrewSessionCount":0,"MostRecentBrewSession":null,"Og":1.0301070769230769,"Fg":1.0087310523076922,"Srm":3.0777970839209132,"Ibu":27.077196613271816,"BgGu":0.89936318568732587,"Abv":2.7575071753846152,"Calories":98,"AverageRating":0,"TastingNoteCount":0,"Fermentables":[{"Per":"42","Amt":"1.5","Ppg":"37","L":"3","Use":"Mash","Id":"73187","IngId":"2303","Name":"Golden Promise","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"},{"Per":"42","Amt":"1.5","Ppg":"39","L":"1","Use":"Mash","Id":"73188","IngId":"150","Name":"Wheat - US","CustomName":"","Rank":"2"},{"Per":"14","Amt":"0.5","Ppg":"37","L":"1","Use":"Mash","Id":"73189","IngId":"152","Name":"Flaked Oats - US","CustomName":"","Rank":"3"},{"Per":"3","Amt":"0.1","Ppg":"34","L":"28","Use":"Mash","Id":"73190","IngId":"35","Name":"Victory Malt - US","CustomName":"","Rank":"4"}],"Hops":[{"Amt":"2.25","Type":"Pellet","Use":"Boil","Min":"2","Day":"0","AA":"15","Ibu":"19.9537326704321","Id":"72064","IngId":"9","Name":"Columbus ","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"},{"Amt":"2.25","Type":"Pellet","Use":"Boil","Min":"1","Day":"0","AA":"10.5","Ibu":"7.12346394283972","Id":"72065","IngId":"5","Name":"Centennial ","CustomName":"","Rank":"2"},{"Amt":"1.25","Type":"Pellet","Use":"DryHop","Min":"0","Day":"0","AA":"12.7","Ibu":"0","Id":"75122","IngId":"167","Name":"Mosaic","CustomName":"","Rank":"3"},{"Amt":"1.25","Type":"Pellet","Use":"DryHop","Min":"0","Day":"0","AA":"15","Ibu":"0","Id":"75123","IngId":"9","Name":"Columbus ","CustomName":"","Rank":"4"}],"Yeasts":[{"Atten":"0.71","Id":"21254","IngId":"131","Name":"Fermentis Safale S-04","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"}],"Others":[],"MashSteps":[{"Heat":"Infusion","Temp":"154","Time":"20","Id":"8730","IngId":"9","Name":"Saccharification Rest","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"},{"Heat":"Direct Heat","Temp":"173","Time":"15","Id":"8731","IngId":"7","Name":"Mash-Out","CustomName":"","Rank":"2"}],"Steps":[{"Id":"23773","Rank":"1","Text":"1ml, pH: 5.34, ferm: 65, bottle pH: 4.63"},{"Id":"23775","Rank":"2","Text":"4.5 Gyps, 2 Eps, 1 CaCl, Campden \u0026 Whirlfloc"},{"Id":"23776","Rank":"3","Text":"Hops in at 0, 5, 10m"}]}