Instead of Maris Otter Pale: Pale Ale malt weyermann
Instead of Cystal 70L: Crystal 150 Crisp (EBC 170 = aprox 65L)
Instead of bitter hop Target: Phoenix
Instead of Hop Nortdown: East Kent Golding
Instead of Irish Ale yeast: Lalbrew Premium English Style Ale Yeast London (Lallemand)
Hops aroma
East Kent golding: Lavendel, honung, timjan, kryddig och jordig.
Equipment: Bulldog Master Brewer & Sparger
20L water heated to 68C
SET 1: 66 C, 10 minutes (mash in), 2200W
SET 2: 66 C, 60 minutes (mashing), 1800W
SET 3: 76 C, 10 minutes (mash out), 2200W
SET 4: 95 C, 30 minutes, (sparging), 2200W, 15 liters 78 C slowly 15-20 min up to 29 l of wort.
Here you can let the brewer be shut off and ”start again” when the sparging is finished.
SET (1) 5: 105 C, 45 min (Rolling boil)
{"RecipeId":113807,"RecipeTypeId":10,"OriginalRecipeId":113397,"UnitType":"m","IbuFormula":"t","CreatedBy":113774,"Name":"Rackarns Irish Red Ale","Description":"Instead of Maris Otter Pale: Pale Ale malt weyermann\nInstead of Cystal 70L: Crystal 150 Crisp (EBC 170 = aprox 65L)\nInstead of bitter hop Target: Phoenix\nInstead of Hop Nortdown: East Kent Golding\nInstead of Irish Ale yeast: Lalbrew Premium English Style Ale Yeast London (Lallemand)\n\nHops aroma \nPhoenix: SPICY • FLORAL • CHOCOLATE\nEast Kent golding: Lavendel, honung, timjan, kryddig och jordig.\n\nBREWING\nEquipment: Bulldog Master Brewer \u0026 Sparger\n20L water heated to 68C\nSET 1: 66 C, 10 minutes (mash in), 2200W\nSET 2: 66 C, 60 minutes (mashing), 1800W\nSET 3: 76 C, 10 minutes (mash out), 2200W\nSET 4: 95 C, 30 minutes, (sparging), 2200W, 15 liters 78 C slowly 15-20 min up to 29 l of wort.\nHere you can let the brewer be shut off and ”start again” when the sparging is finished.\nSET (1) 5: 105 C, 45 min (Rolling boil)\n","ImageUrlRoot":null,"StyleId":"15A","StyleName":"Irish Red Ale","BatchSize":24,"BoilSize":29,"BoilTime":60,"Efficiency":0.7,"DateCreated":"\/Date(1714827652460)\/","BrewSessionCount":0,"MostRecentBrewSession":null,"Og":1.0483548731508261,"Fg":1.0135393644822313,"Srm":12.570945983821003,"Ibu":14.529857252325925,"BgGu":0.30048382521871425,"Abv":4.4912006182487172,"Calories":161,"AverageRating":0,"TastingNoteCount":0,"Fermentables":[{"Per":"5","Amt":"0.25","Ppg":"34","L":"65","Use":"Mash","Id":"606926","IngId":"518","Name":"Crystal 60L - UK","CustomName":"","Rank":"2"},{"Per":"1","Amt":"0.04","Ppg":"29","L":"550","Use":"Mash","Id":"606927","IngId":"579","Name":"Roasted Barley - UK","CustomName":"","Rank":"4"},{"Per":"9","Amt":"0.5","Ppg":"36","L":"23","Use":"Mash","Id":"606929","IngId":"31","Name":"Biscuit Malt - BE","CustomName":"","Rank":"4"},{"Per":"85","Amt":"4.5","Ppg":"38","L":"3","Use":"Mash","Id":"606928","IngId":"567","Name":"Pale Ale - BE","CustomName":"","Rank":"6"}],"Hops":[{"Amt":"15","Type":"Pellet","Use":"Boil","Min":"60","Day":"0","AA":"4.8","Ibu":"7.72617627184903","Id":"621688","IngId":"11","Name":"Fuggles","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"}],"Yeasts":[{"Atten":"0.72","Id":"169367","IngId":"169","Name":"White Labs English Ale WLP002","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"}],"Others":[],"MashSteps":[],"Steps":[]}