Strength Will Rise Brew Sessions

This recipe has been brewed 1 time(s)

Brew Session: Strength Will Rise

joelw85 6/7/2024 12:00:00 AM
  • Water Infusion
  • Mash/Boil
  • Fermentation

Brew went well, about expected on efficiency; slightly over on volume after using more grain. Great tasting wort and nice pale colour.

Recipe Facts

Strength Will Rise
Belgian Golden Strong Ale
  • 12.50 Gallons Liters Batch Size
  • 15.00 Gallons Liters Boil Size
  • 60  min Boil Time
  • 1.077 OG
  • 1.011 FG
  • 25.6 IBU (tinseth) Bitterness
  • 0.33 BG:GU
  • 3.7° SRM Color
  • 54% Efficiency
  • 8.4% ABV Alcohol
  • 260 per 12oz Calories
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