This recipe has been brewed 1 time(s)
Brew Session: Backyard Best Bitter v.2
- Water Infusion
- Mash/Boil
- Fermentation
- Conditioning
Mash temperature was high by 3 degrees (157). Result was less fermentable wort and FG above target. Added bottled spring water to top off at 5.5 gal in fermenter. Lowered OG from 1.046 to 1.044. Reduced expected attenuation to 70%
Recipe Facts
Backyard Best Bitter v.2
Best Bitter
- 5.50 Gallons Liters Batch Size
- 6.50 Gallons Liters Boil Size
- 45 min Boil Time
- 1.044 OG
- 1.013 FG
- 33.6 IBU (tinseth) Bitterness
- 0.77 BG:GU
- 10.0° SRM Color
- 80% Efficiency
- 3.9% ABV Alcohol
- 145 per 12oz Calories