Gives a rough idea on how much DME to use to create a yeast starter. Ideally match OG and SRMs to the OG and SRMs of your brew. Ferment for about 24-36 hours or until rolling fermentation happens
100% - Dry Malt Extract - Extra Light - US
No hops in this recipe
Wyeast American Ale 1056
Other Stuff
No other stuff in this recipe
Mash Steps
Dextrinization Rest
60 min
Special Instructions
1.After bringing to a boil add to fermenter and bring to 70F for bitching of yeast
2.Shake vigorously for as long as possible (watch for blow out from CO2 release.
3.Add airlock and leave to ferment at 69F until rolling fermentation
4.Shake again lightly to agitate settled yeast and Add to brew fermenter
{"RecipeId":102304,"RecipeTypeId":20,"OriginalRecipeId":null,"UnitType":"s","IbuFormula":"t","CreatedBy":128061,"Name":"Yeast Starter","Description":"Gives a rough idea on how much DME to use to create a yeast starter. Ideally match OG and SRMs to the OG and SRMs of your brew. Ferment for about 24-36 hours or until rolling fermentation happens","ImageUrlRoot":null,"StyleId":null,"StyleName":null,"BatchSize":1,"BoilSize":1,"BoilTime":5,"Efficiency":0.75,"DateCreated":"\/Date(1648410345667)\/","BrewSessionCount":0,"MostRecentBrewSession":null,"Og":1.0616,"Fg":1.0154,"Srm":4.0107748112097488,"Ibu":0,"BgGu":0,"Abv":5.9597999999999995,"Calories":208,"AverageRating":0,"TastingNoteCount":0,"Fermentables":[{"Per":"100","Amt":"1.4","Ppg":"44","L":"3","Use":"Extract","Id":"548553","IngId":"69","Name":"Dry Malt Extract - Extra Light - US","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"}],"Hops":[],"Yeasts":[{"Atten":"0.75","Id":"152140","IngId":"193","Name":"Wyeast American Ale 1056","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"}],"Others":[],"MashSteps":[{"Heat":"Decoction","Temp":"150","Time":"60","Id":"70344","IngId":"5","Name":"Dextrinization Rest","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"}],"Steps":[{"Id":"171375","Rank":"1","Text":"After bringing to a boil add to fermenter and bring to 70F for bitching of yeast"},{"Id":"171376","Rank":"2","Text":"Shake vigorously for as long as possible (watch for blow out from CO2 release."},{"Id":"171377","Rank":"3","Text":"Add airlock and leave to ferment at 69F until rolling fermentation"},{"Id":"171378","Rank":"4","Text":"Shake again lightly to agitate settled yeast and Add to brew fermenter"}]}