Steeped 8 oz of Midnight Wheat at 150 for 30 minutes.
Based on boiling 6.75 gallonsliters at 1.035 for 60 minutes, this will decrease your wort by 1.00 gallonsliters, bringing your after boil OG to 1.040. You wanted an OG of 1.044. It looks like it will be under.
Pours dark black with 1/2" tan head. Slight roasty malt aroma. Tastes of roasted and toasty malt, with slight caramel sweetness mixed into the dry finish. Moderate hop bitterness that lingers with the dryness.
Scored 38 at 2016 NHC, Austin Judging Center
Scored 38 at 2016 NHC, Austin Judging Center
9 years ago