This was a straight infusion process. started out at 64 deg for 15 min. Dough-in. Then slowly brought heat up to 152 F. for 60 min. Kept recirc. pump on during this process. Then sparge with 3.5 gallons of 170 F one time through. Chilled to 75 F. and transferred via pump to steel boiler and placed inside house. Next day siphoned wort to fermentation. Some but not much hops remained in steel pot. Oxygenated with help from Harrison. Added hops directly, light stir. 72 F.
Fermentation was on. Bubbling very nicely. Wrapped fermenter in towels and wetted them down. (Low tech cooling.) 71 F. Aroma of out gassing smelled great. Ferment or is inside of house. Still figuring out how much water to sparge with etc.