London Ale Decoction Amber Brew Session

Brew Session Info

(Include any important notes from brew day until tasting)

Post mash decoction boil of grist for 15 minutes. Temperature after recombining the grain with the wort was 175, this was too high. Next time, cool the decoction with a chiller prior to recombining. Yeast - London ESB does not ferment Maltotriose sugars, so I should have mashed at a lower temperature, maybe 148.

Water Infusion

Brew Session Specific

11 lb kg
72 °FC
152 °FC
1.5 qt/lbl/kg
35 min.
5.5 gals liters

Equipment Profile

0.15 gals/lb liters/kg
0.01 gals/lb liters/kg
0 °FC
0.25 gals liters
0.5 gals liters
1 gals/hour liters/hour
0.2 gals liters

Calculated Totals

8.54 gals liters
5.00 gals liters
4.38 gals liters
162.05 °FC
162.05 °FC
2.73 gals liters
4.16 gals liters
6.78 gals liters

Mash / Boil


152 °FC
152 °FC
45 minutes


1.050 (estimated)
6.25 gallons liters 6.78 (gallonsliters estimated)
35 minutes minutes (45 minutes estimated)
5.5 gals liters

Gravity Estimates

Based on boiling 6.25 gallonsliters at 1.050 for 35 minutes, this will decrease your wort by 0.58 gallonsliters, bringing your after boil OG to 1.055.

You were planning on an OG of 1.055 so you are right on track. Nice job!


5.5 gallons liters 5.50 (gallonsliters estimated)
1.055 (1.055 predicted)
1.018 (1.018 predicted)


15 PSI

Tasting Notes (1)


Tasted on 11/15/2020 by BeeBrew


Bottle tasting. Beer had cleared after 14 days. Slightly over-carbonated. Light amber color. Some fruity, floral, estery aroma. Good mouthfeel, body (OG 1.018). Well balanced bready, some caramel maltiness and some hop spice and citrus with fruity esters.

Recipe Facts

London Ale Decoction Amber
American Amber Ale
  • 5.50 Gallons Liters Batch Size
  • 6.50 Gallons Liters Boil Size
  • 45  min Boil Time
  • 1.055 OG
  • 1.018 FG
  • 32.6 IBU (tinseth) Bitterness
  • 0.59 BG:GU
  • 7.9° SRM Color
  • 75% Efficiency
  • 4.8% ABV Alcohol
  • 186 per 12oz Calories
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