Cranberry Clamor - Northern Brewer kit Brew Session

Brew Session Info

(Include any important notes from brew day until tasting)


5.4 PH
150 °FC
146 °FC
60 minutes


1.053 1.038 (estimated)
6.7 gallons liters 6.90 (gallonsliters estimated)
60 minutes minutes (60 minutes estimated)
6 gals liters

Gravity Estimates

Based on boiling 6.70 gallonsliters at 1.053 for 60 minutes, this will decrease your wort by 1.00 gallonsliters, bringing your after boil OG to 1.061.

You wanted an OG of 1.045. It looks like it will be over.


5.7 gallons liters 6.00 (gallonsliters estimated)
1.061 (1.045 predicted)
1.009 (1.011 predicted)


corn sugar
5 oz g

Tasting Notes (1)


Tasted on 1/9/2018 by kidrocking79


WOW ! Best brew yet.. so tasty !!! not sure if it tastes like cranberries since I don't actually eat cranberries, but it's sweet and has a very mellow beer tone. Not hoppy at all. Can't really tell how much alcohol percentage it is since secondary fermentation where I put in dried cranberries added extra sugars / alcohol.

Recipe Facts

Cranberry Clamor - Northern Brewer kit
American Amber Ale
  • 6.00 Gallons Liters Batch Size
  • 6.50 Gallons Liters Boil Size
  • 60  min Boil Time
  • 1.045 OG
  • 1.011 FG
  • 12.1 IBU (tinseth) Bitterness
  • 0.27 BG:GU
  • 10.0° SRM Color
  • 64% Efficiency
  • 4.4% ABV Alcohol
  • 149 per 12oz Calories
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