Date Added | Name | Style | ABV | Amount | |
12/9/2018 | JaysHeff | Weissbier | 5.2 % | 5 Gallon(s) | |
8/19/2018 | KickAssKolsch | Unknown Style | 4.8 % | 5 Gallon(s) | |
6/29/2018 | ShaunneeB | Unknown Style | 5.5 % | 10 Gallon(s) | |
5/17/2018 | OrangeSuperFuzz | Unknown Style | 5.9 % | 5 Gallon(s) | |
5/15/2018 | SummerShaunnee | American IPA | 6.4 % | 5 Gallon(s) | |
3/11/2018 | PepperBeer | Rauchbier | 6.9 % | 5 Gallon(s) | |
2/26/2018 | HazyBIPA | American IPA | 7.2 % | 5 Gallon(s) | |
2/1/2018 | Cascade Citra IPA | American IPA | 6.4 % | 5 Gallon(s) | |
1/7/2018 | HopAttack4 | Unknown Style | 7.4 % | 5 Gallon(s) | |
12/13/2017 | HopAttackCrystal | American IPA | 7.0 % | 5 Gallon(s) | |
11/25/2017 | HopAttackGrain | American IPA | 7.3 % | 5 Gallon(s) | |
Date Added | Name | Style | ABV | Amount |
Day 5 adding 1st round of dry hops
peat, smokey flavor
rainy day brew session. 2/5 2nd fermentor added 1 oz each of cascade and citra
faster to boil only skimmeda little, very cloudy. aroma smells wonderful