This recipe has been brewed 1 time(s)
Brew Session: Sesongol
jll23 5/19/2020 12:00:00 AM- Water Infusion
- Mash/Boil
- Fermentation
- Conditioning
OG 1.072 FG 1.016 ABV ~7.3% Apparent Attenuation ~78%. I've brewed over 10 batches of beer with kveik, but I've mostly treated it as I would a more typical brewer's yeast. This time, I'm going to experiment a little with my methods, focusing a little less on precision and more on just achieving a good result that I can hone over time. For example, I'm going to use as much mash water as is convenient and then just boil longer if I have to (something that might have stressed me out with other ...
Recipe Facts
- 2.50 Gallons Liters Batch Size
- 3.00 Gallons Liters Boil Size
- 60 min Boil Time
- 1.072 OG
- 1.016 FG
- 15.6 IBU (tinseth) Bitterness
- 0.22 BG:GU
- 3.6° SRM Color
- 75% Efficiency
- 7.3% ABV Alcohol
- 246 per 12oz Calories