This recipe has been brewed 1 time(s)
Brew Session: Backwoods Strong Amber
Brewer 100123 4/7/2013 12:00:00 AM- Water Infusion
- Mash/Boil
- Fermentation
- Conditioning
Started with 4 gallons using BIAB and a steamer to prevent a bag full of grains scorching on the bottom.Started mash at 152° at 3:55 and lowered heat. Checked temp 15mins later, 158°, so turned off heat.Kept gentle stirring and checking temps. At 4:30, temp was 150°, so turned heat back on and did best to keep stead heat around 152°-155° til 5:05.At 5:05 and 5:15, conducted the iodine starch test and it was not positive for starch.5:20 Started boil.5:35 Boil began at 215°6:35 US Fuggles ...
Recipe Facts
Backwoods Strong Amber
American Amber Ale
- 3.00 Gallons Liters Batch Size
- 5.00 Gallons Liters Boil Size
- 90 min Boil Time
- 1.083 OG
- 1.021 FG
- 28.3 IBU (brewgr) Bitterness
- 0.34 BG:GU
- 10.6° SRM Color
- 75% Efficiency
- 7.9% ABV Alcohol
- 286 per 12oz Calories