This recipe has been brewed 1 time(s)
Brew Session: English Pale Ale - 4.5L - v1
stevegardner 12/21/2015 12:00:00 AM- Boil
- Fermentation
- Conditioning
- chilled to about 28 then put in fermenter and popped into fermentation fridge. Pitched yeast a few hours later when at 21- OG = 11.3Bx- FG = 6.4Bx
Recipe Facts
English Pale Ale - 4.5L - v1
Best Bitter
- 4.50 Gallons Liters Batch Size
- 5.00 Gallons Liters Boil Size
- 30 min Boil Time
- 1.047 OG
- 1.012 FG
- 35.2 IBU (tinseth) Bitterness
- 0.75 BG:GU
- 12.5° SRM Color
- 70% Efficiency
- 4.5% ABV Alcohol
- 155 per 12oz Calories