Based on boiling {{CalculateBoilVolumeDisplay}} gallonsliters at {{CalculatePreBoilGravityDisplay}} for {{CalculateBoilTimeDisplay}} minutes, this will decrease your wort by {{CalculateBoilLoss}} gallonsliters, bringing your after boil OG to {{CalculateFinalGravityFromPreBoilGravity}}.
You were planning on an OG of {{RecipeSummary.Og}} so you are right on track. Nice job!
You wanted an OG of {{RecipeSummary.Og}}. It looks like it will be over.
You wanted an OG of {{RecipeSummary.Og}}. It looks like it will be under.
Sweet. Not surprsing given the low attenuation and consequent higher than predicted FG. ABV dropped from a predicted 5.1% to 4.7%. No depth to flavor; more of a single flavor note. Might change with more time. Perhaps should have left in fermenter another week as well (was only 3 weeks total). Low carbonation (again). However, it was only chilled from 70F to 40F in the bottle for a few hours. Probably needs a good 3 to 4 days of chilling to get CO2 into the beer more effectively. Also need to work on head retention.