Based on boiling {{CalculateBoilVolumeDisplay}} gallonsliters at {{CalculatePreBoilGravityDisplay}} for {{CalculateBoilTimeDisplay}} minutes, this will decrease your wort by {{CalculateBoilLoss}} gallonsliters, bringing your after boil OG to {{CalculateFinalGravityFromPreBoilGravity}}.
You were planning on an OG of {{RecipeSummary.Og}} so you are right on track. Nice job!
You wanted an OG of {{RecipeSummary.Og}}. It looks like it will be over.
You wanted an OG of {{RecipeSummary.Og}}. It looks like it will be under.
Overly bitter for the style with vegetal overtone - likely due to loose dry hopping with massive amounts of pellets. Slightly metallic aftertaste. Liking the colour and "chewiness", good head retention. Favourable comments from others, but not quite on-style for juiciness. Some brewers suggest 1/4 to 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid in the boil to bring out orange flavor.
Fast to kreusen (2 days) with S-04, half pound of dry hop floating in a cake above quiet ferment. Temp control is good.
10/27/2017 5:14:14 AM