The first batch went well. OG was 1.083, 12.3 gal. did a yeast starter. fermenting. Hodgson Mill cornmeal. SG of just the cornmeal was 1.023 then I added the sugar and it brought it up to 1.083. started with 11 gal water. added another 2.5 gal. lost around 2 gal. from grains. Blended barley in a blender.
Cooked corn at 190F for 39 min. to gelatinize it (it will get thinker)(did an iodine test. proof of starches with really dark coloring). added 2 row barley (blended/crushed) at 150 degrees for 90 min. The barley will thin it out due to the Amylase Enzyme released (you can add Amylase Enzyme here if you feel the need. It would likely increase efficiency)(SG was 1.023). Pulled the grains, pressed them, sparged them (this was a pain; not fun; took 30 min)(put a colander over a clean bucket. use a strainer to scoop out grains from pot to put into the colander/bucket. You have about 2.5 gal to sparge these grains that are in this colander into the bucket and other left over grains (don't go over 13 gal of water). Empty bucket into pot. pull brew bag and put into the colander over the bucket. sparge these. add to pot. No more grains). add sugar while wash is still warm (you might need to warm it up a little). put in wort chiller and rest of water to get your SG where you want it. SG 1.083. at 70 degrees (not before) I aerated by pouring 6 gal. back and forth (don't aerate warm. must be 70 or less. Also, don't let wash get too cold). pitched the yeast starter to aerated wash at 70 degrees. the yeast starter that I made about an hour or two ago (4 packets & about a tbs more with 1 cup boiled water cooled down to 110 degrees. added about 2-3 tbs of cane (vegan) sugar. put in warm dark place for 2 hrs). then aerated using the drill and a large spoon for about 3 min. siphoned into fermentation buckets (6.5 gal. each). placed at 70 degrees (69-74). at OG 1.083=around 11% abv.
Use Alpha & beta amlyess next time prior to adding sugar. Make sure to sparge next time.
{"RecipeId":50121,"RecipeTypeId":10,"OriginalRecipeId":null,"UnitType":"s","IbuFormula":"t","CreatedBy":115199,"Name":"1 Corn3P Beer 2-2018","Description":"The first batch went well. OG was 1.083, 12.3 gal. did a yeast starter. fermenting. Hodgson Mill cornmeal. SG of just the cornmeal was 1.023 then I added the sugar and it brought it up to 1.083. started with 11 gal water. added another 2.5 gal. lost around 2 gal. from grains. Blended barley in a blender. \n\nCooked corn at 190F for 39 min. to gelatinize it (it will get thinker)(did an iodine test. proof of starches with really dark coloring). added 2 row barley (blended/crushed) at 150 degrees for 90 min. The barley will thin it out due to the Amylase Enzyme released (you can add Amylase Enzyme here if you feel the need. It would likely increase efficiency)(SG was 1.023). Pulled the grains, pressed them, sparged them (this was a pain; not fun; took 30 min)(put a colander over a clean bucket. use a strainer to scoop out grains from pot to put into the colander/bucket. You have about 2.5 gal to sparge these grains that are in this colander into the bucket and other left over grains (don\u0027t go over 13 gal of water). Empty bucket into pot. pull brew bag and put into the colander over the bucket. sparge these. add to pot. No more grains). add sugar while wash is still warm (you might need to warm it up a little). put in wort chiller and rest of water to get your SG where you want it. SG 1.083. at 70 degrees (not before) I aerated by pouring 6 gal. back and forth (don\u0027t aerate warm. must be 70 or less. Also, don\u0027t let wash get too cold). pitched the yeast starter to aerated wash at 70 degrees. the yeast starter that I made about an hour or two ago (4 packets \u0026 about a tbs more with 1 cup boiled water cooled down to 110 degrees. added about 2-3 tbs of cane (vegan) sugar. put in warm dark place for 2 hrs). then aerated using the drill and a large spoon for about 3 min. siphoned into fermentation buckets (6.5 gal. each). placed at 70 degrees (69-74). at OG 1.083=around 11% abv. \nUse Alpha \u0026 beta amlyess next time prior to adding sugar. Make sure to sparge next time. ","ImageUrlRoot":null,"StyleId":null,"StyleName":null,"BatchSize":12.15,"BoilSize":14,"BoilTime":90,"Efficiency":0.21,"DateCreated":"\/Date(1518279401533)\/","BrewSessionCount":0,"MostRecentBrewSession":null,"Og":1.0833942386831277,"Fg":1.0125091358024692,"Srm":1.4772829872348146,"Ibu":0,"BgGu":0,"Abv":9.1441782716049378,"Calories":285,"AverageRating":0,"TastingNoteCount":0,"Fermentables":[{"Per":"31","Amt":"10","Ppg":"37","L":"1","Use":"Mash","Id":"260739","IngId":"89","Name":"Flaked Corn - US","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"},{"Per":"6","Amt":"2","Ppg":"37","L":"1","Use":"Mash","Id":"260740","IngId":"3","Name":"2-Row - US","CustomName":"","Rank":"2"},{"Per":"62","Amt":"20","Ppg":"46","L":"0","Use":"Late","Id":"260741","IngId":"153","Name":"Table Sugar - Sucrose - US","CustomName":"","Rank":"3"}],"Hops":[],"Yeasts":[{"Atten":"0.85","Id":"73042","IngId":"2985","Name":"fleischmann yeast (2 packets per 5 gal)","CustomName":"","Rank":"1"}],"Others":[],"MashSteps":[],"Steps":[]}