Ghost of a Smile Brew Session

Brew Session Info

(Include any important notes from brew day until tasting)


Water Infusion

Brew Session Specific

{{GrainWeight}} lb kg
lb kg
{{GrainTemp}} °FC
{{TargetMashTemp}} °FC
{{MashThickness}} qt/lbl/kg
{{BoilTime}} min.
{{FermentVolumeEst}} gals liters
gals liters

Equipment Profile

{{MashGrainAbsorption}} gals/lb liters/kg
gals/lb liters/kg
{{SpargeGrainAbsorption}} gals/lb liters/kg
gals/lb liters/kg
{{HLTMTHeatLoss}} °FC
{{MashTunLoss}} gals liters
gals liters
{{BrewKettleLoss}} gals liters
gals liters
{{BoilLoss}} gals/hour liters/hour
gals/hour liters/hour
{{WortShrinkage}} gals liters
gals liters

Calculated Totals

{{CalculateTotalWaterNeeded}} gals liters
gals liters
{{CalculateMashTunCapacity}} gals liters
gals liters
{{CalculateStrikeWaterVolume}} gals liters
gals liters
{{CalculateHLTTemp}} °FC
{{CalculateStrikeWaterTemp}} °FC
{{CalculateFirstRunningsVolume}} gals liters
gals liters
{{CalculateSpargeWaterVolume}} gals liters
gals liters
{{CalculateTotalRunOff}} gals liters
gals liters

Mash / Boil



{{MashPH}} PH
{{MashStartTemp}} °FC
{{MashEndTemp}} °FC
{{MashTime}} minutes


{{CalculateEstPreBoilGravity}} (estimated)
{{BoilVolumeActual}} gallons liters
gallons liters
{{CalculateTotalRunOff}} (gallonsliters estimated)
{{BoilTimeActual}} minutes minutes
minutes minutes
({{RecipeSummary.BoilTime}} minutes estimated)
{{PostBoilVolume}} gals liters
gals liters

Gravity Estimates

Based on boiling {{CalculateBoilVolumeDisplay}} gallonsliters at {{CalculatePreBoilGravityDisplay}} for {{CalculateBoilTimeDisplay}} minutes, this will decrease your wort by {{CalculateBoilLoss}} gallonsliters, bringing your after boil OG to {{CalculateFinalGravityFromPreBoilGravity}}.

You were planning on an OG of {{RecipeSummary.Og}} so you are right on track. Nice job! You wanted an OG of {{RecipeSummary.Og}}. It looks like it will be over. You wanted an OG of {{RecipeSummary.Og}}. It looks like it will be under.


{{FermentVolumeActual}} gallons liters
gallons liters
{{RecipeSummary.BatchSize}} (gallonsliters estimated)
({{RecipeSummary.Og}} predicted)
({{RecipeSummary.Fg}} predicted)


{{PrimingSugarAmount}} oz g
oz g
{{KegPSI}} PSI

Tasting Notes (3)


Tasted on 9/26/2023 by Opus123


Shared several bottles with friends. After a bit of aging, there is a strong clove flavor along with the melon. I found the beer to be very pleasant and drinkable. It does have a good malt presence, and the hops and yeast both add a lot of complexity. Tim C. was very fond of it but didn't really notice the clove until it was mentioned. He repeatedly stated it was "excellent." Jeff S. thought it was OK, but preferred not to have more. The clove was too much for him. Jeff M., George R. and Lance M. all found the spiciness off-putting and would not drink it. Jeff M. in particular was "disgusted." For my own preferences, it was a very good, but not great beer. It is unique and apparently is not for everyone's tastes. May try again with a different Saison yeast since the Cellar Science imparted so much clove flavor.


Tasted on 8/22/2023 by Opus123


I've had the bottles in the cooler for a couple of weeks and decided to try one. A bit more carbonation than I expected, beer had a lot of head that held pretty strong. Flavor is relatively dry and fruity, but refreshing. Not as malty as I had hoped, but it should stay in the cooler another month. Overall, good and drinkable.


Tasted on 8/6/2023 by Opus123


Noticed I had a leaking bottle. Chilled it before opening it. Already had a good head. Very malty with a warm finish. A bit hoppy, but the honeydew did come through.

Recipe Facts

Ghost of a Smile
Bière de Garde
  • 2.50 Gallons Liters Batch Size
  • 3.50 Gallons Liters Boil Size
  • 90  min Boil Time
  • 1.068 OG
  • 1.007 FG
  • 30.0 IBU (tinseth) Bitterness
  • 0.44 BG:GU
  • 17.8° SRM Color
  • 70% Efficiency
  • 7.9% ABV Alcohol
  • 227 per 12oz Calories
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