(Include any important notes from brew day until tasting)
Achieved desired strike temp on mash and held for 60 minutes. Mash became stuck for a short time. Had to ladle out a large portion of mash and add water to thin out and get the wort flowing again. Slowly added back in the remainder of the mash and continued sparging until approx. 6.5 gallons of wort had been run off. Steeped caramel and chocolate malts in the runoff from the mashtun for approximately 30 minutes. Achieved a nice dark brown color and a rich chocolatey aroma. Transferred to propane burner and brought to boil. Tossed in 1 oz of hops for 60 minutes. Put immersion chiller into brewkettle for last 10 minutes of boil, then brought the kettle to the sink and cooled down in approximately 5 minutes to 80 degrees. Poured wort off into primary bucket and aerated vigourously. Pitched 1 liter yeast starter and closed up the fermenter. Transferred the beer off to the secondary after 7 days and took a gravity sample. Came in at 1.018. A little higher than anticipated but not bad. Placed carboy in back room at a temperature of 68 degrees. This batch will condition until June 15th, when we will bottle it and the rye porter that we brewed on the same day.
1.082 (estimated)
gallonsliters13.35 (gallonsliters estimated)
minutesminutes(60 minutes estimated)
Gravity Estimates
Based on boiling 6.85gallonsliters at 1.082 for 60 minutes, this will decrease your wort by 1.00gallonsliters, bringing your after boil OG to 1.094.
You wanted an OG of 1.089. It looks like it will be over.