Based on boiling {{CalculateBoilVolumeDisplay}} gallonsliters at {{CalculatePreBoilGravityDisplay}} for {{CalculateBoilTimeDisplay}} minutes, this will decrease your wort by {{CalculateBoilLoss}} gallonsliters, bringing your after boil OG to {{CalculateFinalGravityFromPreBoilGravity}}.
You were planning on an OG of {{RecipeSummary.Og}} so you are right on track. Nice job!
You wanted an OG of {{RecipeSummary.Og}}. It looks like it will be over.
You wanted an OG of {{RecipeSummary.Og}}. It looks like it will be under.
No appreciable change to previous test session. Different bottle, same taste, so must be the yeast and temp I fermented at
Yuck. This tastes like an overly strong german weiss beer. It has that strong, tart taste of yeast with the cloves kind of taste. I may have fermented too warm, the flavor is way off. Or did I contaminate the batch? Tried 2 different bottles with same taste.